Kingdom of Vepar


The Stargazer:
The absolute ruler of Vepar, wielding supreme authority over military, law, and religion.   The Luna Council:
An advisory council comprised of scholars, mages, and experienced veterans. The council advises the Stargazer, offering diverse perspectives shaped by their expertise.   The Solar Wardens:
Vepar's elite military force. These Wardens are renowned for their strategic brilliance, defensive prowess, and unwavering loyalty to the Stargazer and the kingdom.   The Provinces:
Vepar is divided into provinces, each overseen by a Satrap. Satrap is a title adopted from a long-lost empire, a testament to Vepar's willingness to learn from the past. Satraps hold significant local power, responsible for maintaining order, collecting taxes, and ensuring the well-being of their citizens.   The Guilds:
Voluntary associations dedicated to specific crafts and professions. They play a vital role in the kingdom's economy, fostering innovation and upholding high quality standards.


Harmony and Balance: Veparians value harmony between individuals, communities, and the natural world. The influence of the Twin Moons fosters a sense of balance and respect for opposing forces.   Curiosity and Knowledge: Veparians are a curious people with a thirst for knowledge.   Respect for Tradition: Veparians hold their heritage in high esteem, with ancient traditions and customs woven into the fabric of their society. However, they are not afraid to learn from others and adapt their traditions to meet new challenges.   Strength Through Unity: Veparians believe their greatest strength lies in their unity. They have a strong sense of community and a deep loyalty to their kingdom. Cooperation and collaboration are valued virtues.


Vepar boasts a long and rich history, with legends dating back millennia. They have faced wars, natural disasters, and internal struggles, but their adaptability and strong sense of community have seen them through.   Vepar is renowned for its scholars, astronomers, and engineers. Their advancements in various fields, from agriculture to celestial navigation, have contributed significantly to their prosperity and cultural influence.   Unlike some neighboring kingdoms, Vepar has managed to avoid large-scale destruction. While they have faced conflicts, their strategic alliances, defensive tactics, and emphasis on diplomacy have safeguarded them from devastating wars. Vepar stands as a testament to the power of resilience, knowledge, and a harmonious society.

Forged in Unity, Guided by Wisdom, Protected by Strength

Founding Date
8 Verdantia 39 AE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Leader Title
Related Professions
Controlled Territories
Related Species

Cover image: by Lady Wynter
Character flag image: by Azgaar


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