Younger Rethos in Cadilon

The Younger Gods

The Divine War was devastating to the gods and their realms. Many worlds were completely destroyed, and of those that survived, most were shattered memories of what they once were. Many gods who's names have been lost to time died in the war as well. The heavens were in pieces.


A number of younger beings had come into being during the wars. These nephilim, or infant gods, had spent the war growing and maturing. Some remained safely hidden in The Aura, others were taken in and protected by the more maternal or paternal Aura Born. After the war, these young beings were almost adults, and it seemed as if The Aura had spontaneously made new gods to replace the dead.


The younger gods tended to be united in ways the older ones were not. The Elder Gods found the original ethical divides to be points of contention where the younger gods were more willing to look past them. They also all had an optimism and hopefulness, aided by the fact that most had never witnessed the horrors of war.