Atglantrix & Yull Myth in Caanae | World Anvil

Atglantrix & Yull


When the world was young, the God of the Ocean, Cydus, crafted the kraken Atglantrix to destroy the Goddess of Water Dephinna's creations out of jealousy for her power over him. Dephinna sent her own champion to defeat Atglantrix, Yull, who carried with him a bident capable of controling the weather and possessed the cold of the deepest ocean. The more they battled each other the more the coasts changed, and the mortals that lived during these times could not survive there. On and on their conflict went, until Yull found the weakness in the armor of Atglantrix, and struck deep with his bident, sending the body of Atglantrix into the depths of the ocean from whence he came. They say to this day that Yull protects the waters of this world, wielding his bident and keeping safe the travellers on the water.


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