Other Playable Creatures in Buena Vista | World Anvil

Other Playable Creatures

This Chronicle is intended primarily for Changelings, but other gamelines may be considered. As a general rule, they must have some connection to the Changeling's Motley.

Easier options:

  • Mortals (Core Chronicles of Darkness): Mortals, including some minor supernatural templates can work.
  • Hunters: The Silver Spire has been forming a shaky alliance with a nearby Union cell.
  • Remade (Deviant: The Renegades): Being constantly hunted gives them common ground with Changelings, who can sympathize with their plight.
  • The Begotten (Beast: The Primordial): Beasts have an affinity for Changelings, considering them to be Kin.
  • Bound (Geist: The Sin-Eaters): This shouldn't be hard to integrate into the setting.

Difficult options:

  • Vampires: The Silver Spire has had a conflict with the Invictus of San Antonio, so be prepared for distrust.
  • Werewolves: The raw combat potential discourages me from allowing their use. It's also a plot point that there are few werewolves in the region. If I do consider it, the werewolf would probably be a recently changed Ghost Wolf or a consultant from outside the region.
  • Mages: Honestly, I haven't wrapped my head around Mage, so this may take a lot of convincing.
  • Unchained (Demon: The Descent): Though I have The God-Machine in the setting, I'm not sure how to handle Demons. I may be overestimating the compliexity, so if you have experience, you can make your case.)