New Conditions in Buena Vista | World Anvil

New Conditions

Ensorcelled (Persistent)

You have a gift allowing you to see beyond the Mask, exposing the fae Mien underneath. In addition, you maintain your lucidity in the Hedge.

Causes: This is usually the result of being given a dollop of Glamour as part of a Bargain. Some people, such as the seventh child of a seventh child, are naturally ensorcelled by circumstances of birth or strange twists of fate.

Beat: Reacting to the hidden fae part of the world causes negative social consequences among the unaware or other setbacks, such as becoming a target for supernatural threats.

Resolution: You break the Bargain or the other party retrieves the Glamour they invested in you.


You've been whipped into a supernaturally potent rage. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls that do not call for concentration or restraint. You must roll Resolve + Composure each turn you wish to do something other than attack or advance toward a target if none are in range. Even if you succeed, actions requiring concentration or restraint roll a chance die. If no live enemies are present, you will target neutral parties or allies if you do not resist with a successful Resolve + Composure roll. This Condition fades without Resolution at the end of the scene.

Possible Sources: Eating a Loco Plum, Bedlam with an exceptional success.

Resolution: You cause lethal or aggravated damage that fills an ally's last three health boxes, or you run out of potential targets.

Surveillance Conditions

The God-Machine uses the Panopticon to form dossiers on fae creatures in Its efforts to find the changelings who have sabotaged Infrastructure. These Conditions represent the level of scrutiny a character is under.


You've behaved in a way the Panopticon perceives as suspicious and have been highlighted as a possible fae creature. Your conversations on cell phone networks and social media activities are more closely monitored. Attempts to disguise your identity through these channels suffer a -2 die penalty.

Beat: Avoiding electronic communications hinders your life or you let slip an important secret through monitored channels.

Resolution: Convince the Panopticon that you're a normal human being, or upgrade this to a worse surveillance condition.

Tagged (Persistent)

The Panopticon is convinced of your fae nature. It is now trying to determine your alliegances and obtain forms of leverage over you. Nearly all your electronic communications are monitored and recorded. Attempts to disguise your identity through these channels roll a chance die.

Beat: You are confronted by the Panopticon's agents.

Resolution: Your activities mark you as a saboteur, upgrading this condition to Surveilled or Hunted (Panopticon) or you accept the Asset condition when confronted.


You have been marked as a fae saboteur and are monitored through more direct means. The agents have been instructed to simply report your activities for now.

Beat: The agents confront you and attempt to leverage you into naming your saboteur allies.

Resolution: Accept the Asset Condition or cause sufficient trouble to upgrade this to Hunted (Panopticon).

Hunted (Panopticon)

The Panopticon has identified you as a threat to be eliminated. It will send a Rank 3 Destroyer Angel, three to five Rank 1 or 2 Destroyers, or 5-10 mortal agents after you. These antagonists know where you currently live and have a general description of your identity. Their sole motivation is to hunt you down by any means necessary and kill you.

Beat: The hunters find and attack you.

Resolution: Kill or permanently lose the hunters.


Changelings believe that you've been tagged by the God Machine and avoid you out of fear of being associated with you. Your social rolls against them suffer a -2 die penalty. If engaging in Social Maneuvering, add an additional Door.

Resolution: Shed your surveillance conditions or convince the changeling community to help you despite the risk.

Asset (Persistent)

You've agreed to do as the God-Machine's agents have commanded you, and are now considered a resource by the Panopticon.

Beat: You are given a mission that requires you to betray your allies, or you also gain the Blackballed Condition.

Resolution: The Panopticon has decided you've served your purpose. Whether this means you're safely ignored or Hunted is decided by the Angel in charge of the Panopticon.