Zefalri Ethnicity in Broken Infinity | World Anvil
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"The Zefalri were descended from Brilazye and Dinairn, through their daughter Zefall."

Naming Traditions

Feminine names



Shared customary codes and values

The Zefalri are both very group oriented and very duty oriented. Their primary unit, equivalent to a family, is a fighting unit that lives together, shares domestic responsibilities, and have legal rights with/to each other. They have a strong protective streak for the other Tribe they live in harmony with: The Celturi.

Common Etiquette rules

As a warrior culture, politeness is very important to the Zefalri. There isn't room for people to call each other out needlessly, especially since anyone who loses his/her temper would have the potential to do a lot of damage. That being said, there isn't anything over the top about their politeness and they typically mistrust overly floral language (unless it has to do with wooing someone). There are no etiquette rules against carrying weapons into the homes of others, since it's assumed that everyone is always armed with at least a dagger.

Common Dress code

Living up in the mountains, the Zefalri prefer clothing that keeps them warm. Being warriors, they also like simple clothes that they can pull armor on top of. Generally they save their finery for festivals. Modesty among Zefalri adults in small groups is not prioritized, but everyone is expected to dress modestly in the open, around children, or around visiting tribes.

Art & Architecture

The Zefalri enjoy art and architecture, but they generally don't create them. Most of the structural building is done by the Zefalri, but most of the aesthetic additions are done by the Celturi. Both art and architecture are heavily dominated by images of the Moon and the Sun.


Beauty Ideals

Physical fitness is the primary ideal. The more athletic a build, the more someone is considered beautiful. Scars are also very valued, and often times the scarring is ritual to commemorate great feats. Large breasts in women are considered to be a disadvantage, and are not prized (unless the woman is pregnant/breast feeding). Having an impressive height is also considered very attractive, but it's less important than the overall health of the body.

Gender Ideals

Gender for the Zefalri is less about how you should act and more about who you will live with. Men live with men, and women live with women. But everyone, regardless of gender, is expected to be able to fight and hunt.

Courtship Ideals

The Zefalri don't have a standard courtship practice. It really boils down to individual preference, and each person has to determine what they want from others. The only stricture is that children are not included in relationships, and those in a fighting unit are barred from having a relationship.

Relationship Ideals

Respect is the main ideal. Other than that, there isn't even a social imperative to settle down with a single person, or be exclusive. Each person decides how many people they wish to be intimate with. Because there is no set ideal, other than not forcing another into intimacy, the Zefalri are taught from a young age to assume nothing and communicate with anyone they are interested in.
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