Veneeri Ethnicity in Broken Infinity | World Anvil
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“Venri was a vampire?” asked one of the mothers, looking a bit shocked.   “I suppose that’s the closest thing to what he was,” Mynoris mused. “Though, we had another name for his kind. He was the son of a God after all, and we owed his people their honorific name. They were known as the Veneeri. But yes, he was drinking her blood, which is what vampires are known for.”

Naming Traditions

Other names

There is no such thing as a Veneeri name. Apart from Venri, all other Veneeri were born to one of the mortal Tribes, and thus they keep their mortal name. Those who wish to change their names to represent their new 'life' don't follow any particular naming convention.


Culture and cultural heritage

The Veneri culture is a blend of all the other Tribes, since all the other Tribes make up the population. Only Venri didn't come from another Tribe originally. To reconcile the vastly different cultures together, there's a general rule of non-interference between the Veneeri, unless they see someone breaking one of the few laws, or doing something to endanger the Veneeri as a whole.

Shared customary codes and values

Independence is very important to Veneeri. A large percentage of them were created because they stood out among their peers, either because of great deeds, great talent, or simply because they didn't follow the normal course of development or societal norms of their First Tribe. They also tend to value each other, or at least respect each other, because they know that they were chosen by someone at some point to experience the Becoming.

Common Etiquette rules

It's considered bad form to ask someone about the circumstance surrounding their Becoming in public, especially with strangers around. Between individuals who know each other, it can be a common discussion, but pressing someone to reveal this information is considered quite tacky and insensitive.   It's also bad form to inquire after someone's preferred eating habits. It's a breech of etiquette to disrupt someone from feeding outside of Venerisa, where the bloodlust is no longer dampened.

Common Dress code

Since the Veneeri come from many different cultures, their dress code is very loose while inside Venerisa. They seem very fond of mixing and matching clothing to create new aesthetics. Veneeri outside of Venerisa tend to wear either the clothing of the area they are in, or the clothing that would be expected of their First Tribe. Also, Veneeri outside of Venerisa tend to wear clothes that cover a lot of their body, just in case they don't make it inside on time.

Art & Architecture

While the castle in the capitol was not built on aesthetic lines, the Veneeri are generally fond of art and aesthetic principles. Like everything else, their tastes are eclectic because they're all from such different backgrounds, and even different times within a similar background.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

The Veneeri cannot have children the way other Tribes can; they can only convert other Tribes to Veneeri.

Coming of Age Rites

Most Veneeri aren't created until after they're old enough to have 'come of age' in their First Life.

Common Taboos

Creating a child Veneeri is a punishable offense, since a child can never grow. Killing anyone within Venerisa is strictly prohibited, unless it is lawful execution or self-defense in extreme cases.


Beauty Ideals

For the most part, the Veneeri keep to the ideals they held during their First Life. However, many of the Veneeri were outcasts of their cultures, so this isn't exactly a hard rule.

Gender Ideals

The Veneeri cannot procreate the way the rest of the Tribes do, so gender is pretty much moot to them, other than the way it shaped their personality and skill-set in their First Life. That being said, some individuals (particularly Helori or Mytanri) might have hang-ups about gender, but these are not widespread.

Courtship Ideals

Individuals tend to have their own idea of courtship and relationships, often based on their First Life. As far as the social hierarchy, and the government go, there is no recognizable marriage under the law. Assuming no laws are broken, such as assault, people are left to their own devices as far as courtship goes.

Relationship Ideals

Romantic and non-romantic relationships are given equal status socially. Legal relationships exist solely as next of kin or property rights, and that can be given to any other adult that an individual trusts.
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