Tiefling Species in Broken Hill Adventurer's Guild | World Anvil
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Like the half-elves, this race of colourful beings with infernal heritage are no strangers to being shunned wanderers. Wherever tieflings wander outside of the Ostoyan Empire, they are treated with suspicion, the subtle grabbing of one's coin purse or backpack when on walks past, the shift of a bouncer's stance when one approaches, these are all common sights in Etharis. Even where tieflings have been living for years, they are never treated as though they fully belong. Originating as a slave race in the Ostoyan Empire where they still are today, it is believed the first tieflings were granted as a gift from Sitri, then just an Arch Daemon. Since then however, they have expanded, whether through purchase or escape, to cover most of Etharis, dotting its landscape with small minorities in various settlements. Often times growing up as oppressed as their ancestors, they exist in the roughest quarters of those settlements, struggling to get by and often turning to the life of a criminal or swindler where they excel. However, even in the bleak land of Etharis, kindness does exist, and those that are shown kindness as they grow are able to go on to do just about anything they want. Tieflings are strong, strong enough to survive in a world that does not want them, but they are spurred on by a strange phenomenon dating back to the original tieflings. Each tiefling has a dream in their life, this dream is said to be prophetic and guide the tiefling down their path in life. Tieflings are not quick to trust, but when a tiefling's companions demonstrate that they trust them, the tiefling learns to extend the same to them. And once a tiefling gives someone loyalty, they are a firm friend or ally for life.   Things to Note:
  • Tieflings do not have a home, or rather not one that they accept. The slave race can be found all over Etharis, whether willingly or not.
  • Tieflings are largely shunned, it can range from passive ignorance, to full blown attacks. There are many rumours about what tieflings have done to deserve their lot in life. Many are untrue, but who's to know that?


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