Jarngrimr Character in Brimir | World Anvil
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Sharing his title of New God of Order with his younger Twin Runatyr, Jarngrimr came into power mere moments before the end of the old world. A workaholic amoung gods, worked tirelessly to maintain order and protect mortals, even from the gods themselves. Preferring a hands off approach to keeping the status quo, Jarngrimr would frequently empower mortals with a portion of his power to act out his will as his demigod champion, notable champions include the first champion, Herald grimnir, all the way to the modern day champion: The Immortal Ganglari.   No offical church of Jarngrimr has ever been established and no proper books can be attributed to Jarngrimir himself. Followers in the past had felt that the lack of a singular location and rankings made the organization more fluid in operation when they weren't restrained to any specific country. While this remains mostly true in the modern day, the Headmaster Ganglari has set up Permenant Residence in the Alfheim Mages Academy to instruct future generations.   "Sharing is a strong word, but who am I to get involved in sibling spats. Who am I indeed?"

Divine Domains

War, Forge, Order.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Iron Chains or a golden mask covering ones head

Tenets of Faith

Maintain the Status Quo

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Maintaining the Balance of the world to stave off the Crunch from reoccuring.
Divine Classification
New God


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