Reptilian Redwoods in BREACH | World Anvil

Reptilian Redwoods

Sometimes, a matter of seconds can alter events for millions of years. As with Tunguska 2, the tiniest difference in orbits created a new world... one where the "dino killer" asteroid missed Earth completely.

The breach point opened in a dense redwood forest in the Pacific Northwest. The world looked a lot like Baseline, until the explorers got a close look at the "birds". Flitting from branch to branch were small, brightly colored pterosaurs, toothy creatures in a variety of species and niches. Closer inspection of the area showed most of the life was reptilian, some feathered, but distinctly neither birds nor mammals.

The dominant predator was something like a roughly man-sized tyrannosaur. Its forearms were non-existent, and its posture was almost horizontal. It worked in small packs to bring down prey, mostly slightly larger, partially armored herbivores.

No evidence of sapient life was found. The few mammalian species spotted were tiny nocturnal hunters. When the coast was reached, low-flying drones spotted a pod of "something big", at least the size of the largest blue whales, with overly-large front flippers and an immense beak that looked like it could easily crush any watercraft likely to get through the breach portal.

World Type
Alternate Dominant
Late Cretaceous
Current Year
Late Pliocene


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