Breach Stabilizer Item in BREACH | World Anvil

Breach Stabilizer

A breach stabilizer is a way of opening an artificial breach. The term is also used, somewhat incorrectly, to refer to the devices which prevent natural breaches from opening. (Such devices incorporate much of the same technology; they don't have the portions needed to open a breach.)

Note: This article was about 1500 words and represented a morning's work. was. Due to a "quirk" in WorldAnvils "autosave", the length version saved on my desktop was lost when this starter text, written on my laptop, was irrevocably autosaved on top of it. The lost article included many details about how breach stabilizers work in this setting, their features and limitations over the campaign timespan, etc. Not relevant for the active gameplay when you're being forced into the dino-people's gladiatorial arenas (Sauria), but vital for me to keep my worldbuilding straight when there's already multiple inconsistencies due to changing visions and my on-and-off work on this over 2 years. So yeah, I'm bitter. But anyway...

Early Breach Stabilizer(TL 8) The first workable stabilizers. 2 tons, SM3, $2M. LC 0

This article has no secrets.


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