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"This world will be in my Image. Created to be impossible to reality. To serve me and my goal till I see fit for it to no longer be of use." ~Grand Creator of all Dragons, the Ur-Dragon. First being of the moral world.
  Forged by the Ur-Dragon, First of all Dragon-kin, Braak-Finari was to be his grand dynasty. With thought, he brought forth the world and its lands...the beings that inhabit the land...his children, the Gods, that would rule the land...and the very nature of the realm. However, his plans were not left to just his own mind as the Sacred Flame, oldest of all beings, decided he too wished to impart some of his self into this place. The beings that inhabit this land coexist with one another, Dragon, Fey and Mortal, all for the betterment of each ones self.   Dead center of the world on a massive archipelago New Avalon stands tall, once the capitol of the Fae. The city its self taking up the entire land mass and having both an extensive teleportation array and docks surounding it New Avalon holds as the Capitol of the Confederacy and the center of all socity. Lake Zmejusta Esero surrounds the City, rivers flow thru the lake connecting it to the Forzen Pass and the Glass Bay, and are a natural barrier from the The Forest of Velykyylis.   The Forest of Velykyylis surrounds Lake Zmejusta Esero and is home to massive Fauna and Flora. The forest its self a rainforest to which is claimed by the Ents. Large tree-kin creatures who protect the balance of the forest. Hidden deep within the trees and left untouched by non Ent beings, Entmoot is the capitol of this realm.   Toward the Southwest corner Misasalmebeli K’erdzi, a large forest, covers much of the area; Its massive trees reach into the skies above. Between the thick branch's and large canopies the Elven Kingdom of Mits’ak’eane reside. Karanore their capitol that is built between the waters edge and forest line, meanwhile Veil hides in the center of the forest, Varis is to the southern edge of the woods and to the far south beyond the protection of the glade beyond the Gulf of Gallanmend within the Black Tides the small island of Imedi sits, the city of Hope rests in the valley of the Gars Shemoert’q’a Peaks.   On the Southern tip of Braak-Finari, between the Black Tides and the Glass Bay, The Bàsteth Desert is a near baron land. Being home to the dead, its alternative name is the Dragons Graveyard, these sands hold the remains of many a dragon. Carved from the bones of the dragons of the desert the Dwarves, the Kingdom of Duinebeag and their capitol Daz remain but are in need of much repair. They were the first to be victims of the Calamity before he turned his ire on New Avalon. Hidden among the sands and lost to time, Mount Galt Uul, the volcano which birthed the Calamity sits idle awaiting his master.   The Human Kingdom of Wallighberge is central to Braak-Finari, a couple weeks east travel from New Avalon, full of vast plains, beautiful lakes and verdant forests. To the Southeast of their lands the Capitol, Hamburg, sits on stilts to rise above the swamps that surround it. Gullstein and all its gothic glory, surrounded by lakes and just west of the capitol, is the Trade gate between the kingdom and most the rest of the Western world. Demmish is to the far north which trades with the Guilded isles and is a large sea port.   High mountains, The Winded Mountains, is the contested barrier between the Kingdom of Wallighberge and the Empire of Chungdol; the two have been at war for many centuries. Fu-Jen sits between the Glass Bay and the Unfathomed Abyss, and is one of the largest trade ports on the East side. Meanwhile near the top of the Empire the port city of Gill Galli is built among the out cropping's on the Gray Waters. The two major cities connected by a massive tunnel cut thru the mountains.   The scattering of islands that surround the Unfathomed Abyss, the Encircled Isles are home to many small towns and villages of Animal-kin. These small villages boast mostly of fish and grains, trading with many of the other kingdoms of the world. Their one true city, Sorrow, is on the far edge of the circle and is where much of any of the trade happens as well as any form of governing body works to better the citizens.   The Guilded Isles, the handful of islands to the north of the prime landmasses of Braak-Finari, are home to the Orc Guilds. Viscous groups of privateers and pirates that hide behind the guise of Guilds the Orcs have but one city, the Capitol of Tok. Smaller cities scatter the isles and are owned, run and bought by the Guilds. Just south of them the Sea of Lashwin separates the Isles and Demmish.   The first stop just to the Northeast beyond the Forzen Pass the singular Island Kingdom of Klokworks, Hick-Pop was built by the Gnomes out of the Gray Waters. Tall buildings stand high above the surrounding water, Water ways connecting between both building and Level. Waterfalls are spread over the entire city to give a more natural feel. The Gnomes while young in time have made up for that fact by becoming the top crafters of the realm, diving head first into the fusion of Science and Magic.   Deep within the Frozen Pass the Magus Kingdom of Arcadia was founded, Just Northwest of New Avalon and the Proving Plains, and Skaar was named the Capitol of the Kingdom. Those who live here have a harsh life as outside city boundaries is mostly unkept and cold, but harsh live breeds strong people. Warriors and Mages alike are built from within this city, many of whom are sought after for various service, be it Mercenary or Sage.   Flying to the far reaches of the realm the Kingdom of Burkhny Khaant Uls has planted roots everywhere. From Daz-Kanok to the South as the last Draconic city before the Graveyards, Alank to the Northwest in the Proving Plains as a major hunting city, to the far Northwest in the Gemstone Peaks Mith-Zaz is carved form precious gems, to the Capitol built from the tallest peak in Tengeriin Khaalga Mountains - Ro-Khar, Capital of all Dragon-dom, where only those of dragon blood can enter, dominates the heavens. Masters of the skies and knowledge, the Dragons have kept their ways of life relativity private from the other races while maintaining Trade and business with them.   Fae Lost, forgotten, left to time...The Fae have lost a lot in their time on Braak-Finari as their one true home Avalon was destroyed by the Calamity. Forced into hiding, many Fae have not been seen for some time. The only known area that has any Fae left is Forest of Forgotten Dreams, to the Southeast across the Glass Bay from Kingdom of Wallighberge and South of Fu-Jen.


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