Dene Fell Geographic Location in Bones | World Anvil

Dene Fell

Things to see

Cumbling Hamlet

This delightful little gem hidden in the middle of these rolling hills is truly worth a visit. It is a tiny place with only nineteen cottages, a small bakers, and a tavern which doubles as a general store. The cottages are all made from a white limestone local to the area, and every building has a thatched roof. The thatcher lives in the village though he is getting close to retirement now and sadly it seems as if there is no one to take ove from him. Each cottage is meticulously maintained, in fact the whole hamlet is well looked after, the residents all band together to keep the hedges trimmed and the gardens looking nice. The inn serves some of the best ginger beer I have ever tasted and is recipe that has existed around these parts for hundreds of years aparently.  

Firehand Tor

This large rock rises up from the hillands like some sort of foreign invader. Said to be the rib bone of collossal ancient dragon, it certainly dominates the landscape. Even the rock from which it made is different from that of the hills around it. There is a path wgich winds around the Tor which enable one to get right to the top, and let me tell you, the view is well worth the almost two hour climb. It is like you are standing on the heavens looking down, so much so I even got a sense of vertigo and had to sit down.  

The floating Rock

It's true it does indeed float. I was quite astounded as I thought it would be some trick or illusion, but after thorough investigation I could find no trickery involved. It must be magic, though the wizards say that there is no magic involved that they can tell, at least not any kind of magic of this earth. perhaps it is divine then. Regardless, it is one of those things that you just have to see to believe.  

Things to do


Pettibone Mines

Take a mine cart ride through the old tunnels and caves that pepper underneath these hill lands. The old tracks and carts have been renovated and now you can take a leisurely ride through history. There is till gold mining going on in these hills but this section has been mostly picked clean, however some of the natural caverns down here are spectacular, and there are still minerals in the walls which glint and sparkle off the torch light as you ride by.  

Pony trekking

Getting farm also runs a small pony treking enterprise out of their large farm. They have nine ponies which they keep for this purpose, and tours go out every three hours, tours last for two hours and the hourse are given an hour to rest between treks. they only do three treks a day so it is best to book up in advance to avoid possible disappointment, especially during the summer months when the wild flower meadows are in bloom as this is their most popular time of year.    

Things to buy


Fletcher's leather goods

Flethcher and his three apprentices make all the items on sale in this small shop in the village of Gumping. I was simply passing through and had originally had no intention of stopping, but it caught my eye as I rode past, so decided to make an impromptyu stop. And I am glad i did. Their work is simply fantastic, they have a technique they use to get the leather so soft and supple. I bought two belts, a new coinpurse, and a seath for a dgger I had bought from a blacksmith two villages over. Flethcher is also quite knowledgeable about the local area, as his family have lived out here for generations, and he is more than happy to talk about it over a pint of bitter.  

Cloaks n Capes

I found this shop in the village of Twice Brewed, a thriving market village on the outskirts of the hill lands. It is a mother and daughter affair, and they also have a new apprentice they have just taken on in recent months. What I loved about this shop was, the vibrant colours of the dyes they used. Their cloaks come in all sorts of rich shades and they even even do mulicoloured ones. They may be a little outlandish for some, but I think there needs to be a bit more colour in the world any way. Not to mention the fact that they are very well made, and even come with a promise that will repair any of their cloaks if you ever need it.    

Things to eat


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