Coinshot Tavern Building / Landmark in Bones | World Anvil

Coinshot Tavern

At first glance the Coinshot looks like the kind of place where you would get your coin purse stolen inside ten seconds and your head stoved in ten seconds after that. While this isn't entirely true, it isn't far off. The Coinshot is not somewhere to just wander into for a casual drink, newcomers are treated with suspicion and if you don't have an actual reason for being there then you won't be for much longer. The Coinshot is a place where deals are made and where secrets are bought and sold. it's the kind of place that one someone says 'they know a guy' the guy can probably be found here.   The inside is designed more for privacy than for fancy decor. The lights are kept dim, with booths hidden in darkened corners and the tables on the main floor placed far enough apart so whispered conversations may not be overheard. This is facillitated by the fact that the owner always has a bard playing music, not loud but enough to drown out quiet conversations.   While the outside has peeling paint and dirty windows, the inside is actually rather well maintained. The owner makes good money and is wise enough to invest some back into his business. The table and chairs are all of well crafted wood, and are sturdy, in order to stand up to the ocaisional bar fight that breaks out. Though the bouncers keep a tight lid on most of that, and for the most part people are here to talk not fight.   The ground floor consists of the large main room, the kitchens and wash rooms at the back behind the bar, and a small office for the day to day to day running of the business. On the second floor, are a couple rooms which are rented out to members of staff and also a three meeting rooms, which can be rented out by the hour for those who wish to meet even more privately, than downstairs allows. These rooms contain a small fire, a large table and several comfortable chairs. Food and drinks can also be served up here via the dumbwaiter, so there are no interruptions.  


Jesper Grint is business man not a tavern keeper. He understands the needs of the people that frequent his establishment and has built up a reputation as someone who can be trusted to keep his mouth shut. He is rather ratlike looking man, and while he wears fine clothes, trys to keep himself well groomed he always manages to look slightly greasy. He has sharp eyes which see more than he lets on, and he has more secrets in his head than most people realise. For while he isn't privy to the conversations which go on in his establishment. watching the ebb and flow of people, who talks to who, how often, he is able to put two and two together, and his clever little mind usually comes out at four.  

Bar tender

Gin Daisy is a tavern keeper, she just never had the money to buy her own, instead she seems content to run Jesper's for him, while he concentrates on the other side of the business. It is thanks to Gin that the beer they serve is actually reasonably, and that they actually have more than just beer and wine to sell. She is also responsible for the food being as good as it is, well at least she is responsible for hiring the guy who makes the food good.   Jesper relies heavily on Gin for the day to day running of the tavern and trusts her implicit, she has never let him down and he is pleased with the increase in profit since taking her on. Gin is also rather handy in a fight, being that she is six-foot four and has hands that could crush a man's neck, though most of the time she is very even tempered and always professional.  


Miles Dingle should be a chef in a fine establisment somwhere posh with clean windows, but gambling debts and a favour to Gin landed him at the coinshot instead. It isn't the worst job in the world, he has good ingredients to work with and while he isn't creating masterpieces at least he gets to experiment from time to time, as long as he doesn't get too extravagent. Miles looks like he never eats anything he cooks, being thin as a whippet, and slightly balding. But he moves like through his kitchen with a certain grace that makes one think of a dancer, albeit a stork like dancer.


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