Andromeda Finelli Character in Blue Way | World Anvil
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Andromeda Finelli

Lieutenant Colonel Andromeda Finelli (a.k.a. Rommie)

Adventurous daughter of a rich businessman and a destroyer captain in TRN Saturn Fleet. Long-time friend of Sigmur Ragtarson and savior of his space-viking ass.

Mental characteristics

Personal history


Since childhood of Andromeda Finelli was great spaceship enthusiast and always wanted to be a pilot. This means that there was absolutely no hesitation as to what she should study and she was also quickly accepted to Terran Navy academy. On the academy, she met Sigmur Ragtarson and they quickly became good friends. So good in fact, that when the boy decided to volunteer for assignment in the Saturn Fleet, she followed without hesitation. All this irritated her father immensely, but he knew very well, that there was no convincing her otherwise so in the end, he decided to be happy for her.


Saturn Fleet

When Sigmur was injured, she was currently on escort mission to the Blue Way so when she returned, her friend was already gone in the stellar wind. It took her quite some time to locate him, but when she found him and saw the wreck he became, she decided to help her old friend and asked her father to pull some strings and get him a job in Beyond inc..


Contacts & Relations

Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: Andromeda Finelli