Natasha Soloyova Character in Blue Bytes | World Anvil

Natasha Soloyova

Natasha Thundercat

Her mother, Ekaterina Petrova, came to US as a post order bride from Russia. After a couple of months she ghosted her husband with a tidy sum in her pocket, changed her identity (now Marina Soloyova) and came to Night City, hoping for a better, more free, life. Around then she realised she was pregnant. She had enough money to pay the rent for a tiny apartment H10 a couple of months, and she worked as a waitress daytime and bartending nighttime to save up until her unavoidal dismissal when her pregnancy showed too much.   As a small child Natasha spent much time at her neighbors, Mr Wei and mrs Mei-Ling Chang. As they owned a restaurant nearby, and a few older children that could help, they had the means to look after what turned out to be a very expressive and energetic girl.   Natasha early found out she had an exhibitionistic streak, and when she was old enough she started dancing at a club. Her mother (and mrs Chang) was first very much against this, wanting her daughter sell her body as she basically had done herself. But the complaints got quieter when Natasha started to bring home money, and stopped when Mariana was able to quit her second job.   falling off with the bar owner?   some years of growing successful in BD etc   mother dies from illness a couple of years ago

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