Dagmar Dellingsdottir, alias Ioreith, formerly Inger Inarasdottir Character in Bloheron | World Anvil
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Dagmar Dellingsdottir, alias Ioreith, formerly Inger Inarasdottir

The folk hero Ioreith’s first action of note took place in Labesnille. The usurper baron Tarweld Drengbeorn had become increasingly overbearing. His soldiers were given free rein as they pleased after the town became unable to meet the absurd taxes. Unable to witness the oppression any farther, she stepped into the street and openly challenged a squad of the Baron’s men. She recognized one of them as one of the instigators of the bullying she endured as a little girl. That man she demanded to duel. Finding it hilarious and not recognizing her fully grown and with cropped hair, he accepted. One of his men threw his sword into the street for her to use and they started placing bets on how long she was going to be made to suffer. When Ioreith took the sword and faced off against her abuser, the men fell silent. They realized this was no mere maid when she disarmed her opponent and clove him shoulder nearly to hip. Coins fell from their fingers as they reached for weapons in a panic. Moments later it was over and the alarm was raised throughout the town. People flocked to Ioreith and they marched on the Manor. They approached behind wagons of flaming hay. While the Manor burned they rained arrows on any that tried to leave except for servants and children. They noticed Ioreith was missing, but following a trail of bodies, they discovered the exit of the postern gate. Ioreith was found, her clothes torn to rags, tears streaming down her face, hands covered in blood as she kneeled on the Baron’s corpse. The eyes had been gouged out and the neck snapped, almost facing behind. Visible in the fading light was a small tattoo on her left shoulder identifying her as part of the Courtesan’s Guild of the neighboring town of Clusnille. Town leaders then knew there was something more to the story, but Ioreith wasn’t telling. Instead, she took a horse and rode into the night. A few days later she returned with the entourage, Widow and legal son of the rightful Baron. She helped oversee the repairs of the manor until she and the son had an argument. He repeatedly called her Dagmar and not Ioreith. She disappeared after that. Later one of the elders remembered the widow’s husband, Baron Kodran Arnarsson had taken a concubine, Kelda Varinsdottir, and her daughter, Dagmar Dellingsdottir, into his household. When the widow and son were asked about Ioreith they only stared out into the grasslands in silence.

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