Warden Rank/Title in Black Dragon Westeros | World Anvil
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Wardens have historically been used through Westeros south of the Wall, including by petty kings of Dorne prior to Nymeria's War. During Aegon's Conquest and the unification of the Seven Kingdoms, Aegon the Conqueror granted new warden titles to monarchs who submitted to House Targaryen, including Loren Lannister, Ronnel Arryn, and Torrhen Stark. Aegon also named Harlen Tyrell, a former steward, as warden. Wardens for the Iron Throne act as supreme military leaders responsible for the defense of their region in the event of foreign invasion. In times of peace, this prestigious title is purely honorary. Tradition holds that each title is hereditarily given to the lord of a certain family, but the king retains the right to award it to another of his choosing. This typically only happens if the traditional holder dies and his heir is not yet of age, although in times of turbulence the office may be offered to those holding a monarch's favor. The four major directional wardens:  
Warden of the East, held by Donnel Arryn, Lord of the Eyrie.
Warden of the North, held by Jon Jonston , Lord of Jonstown.
Warden of the South, held by Gormon Peake, Lord of Starpike.
Warden of the West, held by Jaime Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock.
Wardens are supposed to defend their regions against invaders. In theory, at least, they are each the supreme general for their region and therefore preventing any disunity of command.
Nobility, Military
Current Holders
Past Holders

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