Aenys Blackfyre Character in Black Dragon Westeros | World Anvil
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Aenys Blackfyre

Prince Aenys Blackfyre

Prince Aenys is the fifth son of Daemon I Blackfyre, a harsh and sour young man Aenys is an accomplished fighter and tourney knight. Aenys commands the City Watch of King's Landing for his brother, King Aemon I Blackfyre.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Aenys is the tallest and strongest of King Daemon's descendants, his impressive physical strength and remarkable fighting skills make him a dangerous foe.

Identifying Characteristics

Like his father and brothers, Prince Aenys possesses distinctively Valyrian features, including silver hair and purple eyes, though his eyes are a lighter shade of purple than those of his siblings.

Specialized Equipment

In battle Prince Aenys brandishes the Valyrian Steel greatsword Heartsbane, ancestral weapon of House Tarly.

Mental characteristics


Aenys learned knightly values, politics, heraldry and combat skills from Gormon Peake.


After finishing his tenure as squire to Lord Peake, Aenys remained in the service of the Lord of Starpike for one year, shortly after being appointed as Hand of the King Lord Gormon named Aenys as Commander of the Gold Cloaks.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Aenys won himself honour and praise in multiple campaigns, he stood by Lord Peake during his war against Jorah Tyrell.   When Maekar Falseborn attempted to crown himself and raise the realm against house Blackfyre, Aenys rode besides Lord Gormon in the Battle of Bitterbridge and aided him in routing the Unsullied. During the battle of the Kingswood Prince Aenys rode in the center carrying the Blackfyre banner.   He was knighted by Lord Gormon for his bravery and prowess shown in the battle of Gulltower.   At the Grand tourney of Starpike, celebrating the wedding of Mina Peake and Lord Torgen Oakheart, Aenys was the victor of the melee, defeating great warriors like Lord Gormon Peake, Lord Florian Fossoway, Ser Robyn Ryswell of the Kingsguard and his elder brother Prince Daemon Blackfyre  After his tourney victory Aenys public commended by Lord Gormon Peake, and anointed a Paladin of the Blessed Brotherhood of the Greenhand, being the first non Reachman to receive that honour.


Contacts & Relations

Aenys squired for Lord Gormon Peake since he was 11, becoming something of a surrogate son to the Lord of Starpike and forming good relations with the Peake children.   During his period as squire to Peake, Aenys was raised along with his other squire, Lord Torgen Oakheart of Old Oak.

Family Ties

Prince Aenys is married to Lady Elinor Tarly, of Horn Hill, and has two children with her.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince, Paladin, Commander of the City Watch, Ser, Prince of Horn Hill.
Year of Birth
189 A.C 30 Years old
Light Purple
Pale silver hair
Other Affiliations

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