Part 4 & Part 7: Life in the Dome Plot in Beyond The Dome | World Anvil
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Part 4 & Part 7: Life in the Dome

This is mostly just notes
  Explorer Amelia leaves the Dome to explore unknown territories. Whilst she is away, her childhood friend looks after her possessions and pet mouse. He always supported Amelia's wish to explore beyond the Dome but misses her when she is gone. He sits by the edge, wondering whether she will return and reminiscing about their times spent together.   Several years prior to Amelia's voyage an engineer went missing. Their collegue and Amelia's concerned neighbour blames herself for the disapearance, believing it to be a fault with the vehicle she designed. When the Explorers' Guild lose contact with Amelia, Cara fears the worst. The engineer tries to immerse herself in something different to stop connecting the two disappearances with mechanical failure.   A rival explorer in training complains that it should have been them to go on the mission. Rival grumbles or complains that wished it could have been them. Other members of the Explorer's Guild try to calm them down.   As time goes on and Amelia still does not make contact, the voices supporting the petition to close the gates get stronger and the debates restart.
Plot type
Collection of short scenes
Related Characters


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