Part 3: Amelia is Trapped in a Storm Plot in Beyond The Dome | World Anvil
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Part 3: Amelia is Trapped in a Storm

Amelia ventures into the unknown, headed in the direction of the missing engineer. Several days into her journey, she she gets caught in a storm and loses communications with the Guild and drifts into the Ancient City.


Amelia leaves the last known settlement in the world and ventures into the unknown to discover new territories. She says goodbye to her friends at the Archaeologists Guild in the Micro-Dome and sets off in the direction of an engineer who disapeared a few years prior to her venture.   As she journies across the toxic earth, the mists falls and Amelia is unable to see through the smog. The Engineering Guild speak to Amelia over the phone and talk her through it. When the smog lifts, Amelia has drifted into the ruins of the Ancient City. Amelia overcomes her fear of realising that she was off course and then wondering whether or not to enter the Ancient city.  Amelia is curious and, against the advice of the Engineering Guild, she goes into the city.   Not much is know about the Ancient Civilisations, other than that their fall lead to the rise of the Founders. There are many myths and legends about the people who did not join the Founders in the Dome. The old city is eery and crumbling. After a daring escape from the Ancient City, Amelia is no longer able to reach the Dome Community over the phone.    Without contact but determined to find missing, Amelia pushed on. She reflects on her training for this mission and why she is qualified but also motivated to undertake this challlenge.
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