Languages in Beyond the Bridge | World Anvil
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You begin play knowing how to speak Common, plus one language of your choosing that fits your backstory, plus a number of additional languages (which don’t have to closely fit into your backstory) equal to your Learning score.

You learn more languages by increasing your Learning score. You can also spend 1 feat point to learn 2 new languages.

Possible and useful language options are:
  • Skald - A human language, equivalent to a blend of Old Norse and other early Germanic languages.
  • Tien - A human language, equivalent to a polyglot mix of multiple dialects of Mandarin and Cantonese.
  • Elvish - Spoken by elves, as well as many humans and fey with exposure to elven culture.
  • Dwarvish - Spoken by dwarves, halflings, gnomes, and humans exposed to Dwarven culture.
  • Draconic - Spoken by dragons, drakes, wyverns, lizardfolk, kobolds, and lawyers (it's the standard legal language of the Federation, with great precision and lots of adaptability to invent new terms).
  • Orcish - Spoken by orcs and half-orcs, primarily, though most cultures living nearby orcish settlements pick it up out of necessity.
  • Goblin - Spoken by goblins, hobgoblins, and other goblinoids, as well as any cultures living within raiding distance of a goblinoid settlement.
  • Giant - Spoken by giants, ogres, and trolls, as well as dwarves and humans who deal regularly with any of these races.
  • Sylvan - Spoken by fey, and other creatures living in their vicinity.
  • Terran - Spoken by earth elementals and other creatures made of earth or stone.
  • Ignan - Spoken by fire elementals and related creatures.
  • Aquan - Spoken by water elementals and most aquatic creatures.
  • Auran - Spoken by air elementals and many flying creatures.
  • Abyssal - Spoken by demons and other creatures from the Abyss, as well as many cultists and demonologists.
  • Infernal - Spoken by devils and other creatures from the Hells, as well as many cultists and lawyers.
  • Celestial - Spoken by angels, azatas, agathions, archons, and any other creature originating from the Heavens, as well as many clerics of good gods.
  • Aklo - Spoken by Great Old Ones, their minions, aberrations, and other extra-dimensional abominations, as well as many cultists.
  • Necril - Spoken by "civilized" undead and many necromancers.

Cover image: by Alexander Pohl


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