Alia Spitehoof Character in Beyond the Bridge | World Anvil
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Alia Spitehoof

This female satyr stands just over five feet tall, with ebony horns spiraling another six inches above her head. Fine, dark grey fur covers her from head to toe, enhanced by intricate spirals of white and black that suggest snow flurries. Her only clothing is a jet-black skirt of leather, embellished with silver studs and bangles to make it look like the night sky. Her face seems to be set in a permanent sneer of superiority and hatred, and her eyes are a piercing, unnaturally light icy blue.   Spitehoof's motivations and origins are unknown, but she reeks of the Winter Court, and her intent in assembling such a large gremlin band and capturing fey to use as slaves cannot possibly be benign for the forest or for Bridgetown.
Alia Spitehoof

Cover image: by Alexander Pohl


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