Necromancy Spell List Spell in Berkana | World Anvil

Necromancy Spell List

Level 1 Necromancy Spells

Halt bleeding

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Self
School: Blood
Chant: Val-Ka, Ego, Sanguis
Incantation: Stay the blood that flows from you and unto me.
Effect: Remove bleed from a target and gain bleed. Can only be used when you do not have bleed condition.


Shape: Evocation
Source: Self
School: Blood
Chant: Mez-Ra, Ego, Sanguis
Incantation: May our blood be torn, by my gaze Bleed
Effect: By My gaze Bleed, can only be used when you have the bleed condition. If a target takes a bleed effect you lose the bleed effect.

Cultivate Flesh

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Self
School: Flesh
Chant: Omen-Ka, Ego, Visceris
Incantation: I bring forth that which feeds upon life to revivify flesh.
Effect: This spell creates a Totem that when worn will grant the user additional vitality equal to thier fortitude. They will also be under the effect of weakness, this weakness cannot be removed or resisted. The weakness is lost when the totem is removed or breaks.

Bone needle

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Self
School: Bone
Chant: Thal-Ra, Ego, Ostis
Incantation: Cry in pain as bone inbends into you, 1 agony
Effect: 1 agony

Death sight

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Self
School: Flesh
Chant: Val-Ka, Ego, Visceris
Incantation: Reveal to me beyond the flesh what secrets are left to death.
Effect: Allows you to know all conditions, wounds, fortitude, and Vitality on a character. Furthermore when cast on a full or nearly full corpse may yield information such as cause of death or creature stats.

Level 2 Necromancy Spells

Mend Flesh

Shape: Evocation
Source: Self
School: Flesh
Chant: Val-ka, Ego, Visceris
Incantation#1: By my power I call forth the blood of my being to mend your flesh and seal your wounds, restor all vitality.
Incantation#2: By my power I rip from your flesh to heal your vitality, restor all vitality, wound.
Effect: This spell requires a wound to be taken by the caster or the target depending on the incatation. Once a wound is taken the target regains all lost vitality.

Absorb Death

Shape: Totem
Source: Hex Bag
School: Blood
Chant: Omen-Ka, Hexus, Sanguis
Incantation: Allow this object to keep your blood and ichor so that should yours fail, it shall replenish you.
Effect: Creates a totem that may be given to a character. If that character dies from a death count their death count is reset.

Fear of blood

Shape: Evocation
Source: Self
School: Blood
Chant: Mez-Ra, Ego, Sanguis
Incantation: Fear that which holds our life, By my gaze Fear
Effect: Fear, can only be cast when you have the bleed condition.

Corrupted blood

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Focus
School: Blood
Chant: Thal-Ra, Foci, Sanguis
Incantation: I send forth a spiteful curse to corrupt the blood and weaken the body, Long Fatigue Infect
Effect: Long Fatigue Infect

Thanatali Curse

Shape: Evocation
Source: Hex Bag
School: Bone
Chant: Mez-Ra, Hexus, Ostits
Incantation: Add our voices to the cacophony of pain as bone splinters through flesh, by my voice, 1 Agony Bleed
Effect: 1 agony bleed, by my voice

Ties of flesh

Shape: Totem
Source: Hex Bag
School: Flesh
Chant: Omen-Ka, Hexus, Visceris
Incantation: I weave a thread that swims through our blood, wraps around our bone and ties our flesh to one.
Effect: when you are hit by an attack, you may call “reaction” with the exact same call you were hit by. Once you do, the Totem breaks. You must take the damage. Self cast only

Undying Fortitude

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Focus
School: Flesh
Chant: Omen-Ka, Foci, Viceris
Incantation: May the shround between life and death be ever thin.
Effect: This spell creates a totem that grants the following effect. While under the effect of Gore your fortitude is doubled.

Bone spear

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Self
School: Bone
Chant: Thal-Ra, Ego, Ostits
Incantation: Take from my body and slay those who stand before me, 5 Gore Stagger
Effect: Causes the Gore effect on the caster, cannot be used if caster already has Gore

Stored Ichor

Shape: Totem
Source: Hex Bag
School: Flesh
Chant: Omen-Ka, Hexus, Viceris
Incantation #1: I create a conduit of my body to pass forth the ichor of life
Effect: Create 2 totems that can store conditions. Stored conditions do not effect the caster mechanically, but do count for Necromancy spell use.
Incantation #2: Take from me this rot and make it your own
Effect: Pass a condition from yourself, to the totem
Incantation #3: Return the ichor that is rightfully mine
Effect: Pass a condition from the Totem back to yourself.

Burning Blood

Shape: Evocation
Source: Hex Bag
School: Blood
Chant: Mez-Ra, Hexus, Sanguis
Incantation: May your blood boil, by my gaze 1 Agony Weakness
Effect: Agony Weakness


Shape: Totem
Source: Self
School: Blood
Chant: Omen-Ka, Ego, Sanguis
Incantation: May your death deliver us the arcane secrets that still lingering within the darkness.
Effect: This spell can only be used one a target that is dying. Once the spell is cast you must remain in RP contact with the target. If they die you gain a totem. The totem may be traded in as an arcane secret source. Only the necromancer may benefit from the totem, but the secrets can be traded as normal. Multiple Totems can be maintained by this spell.


Shape: Conjuration
Source: Focus
School: Bone
Chant: Thal-Ra, Foci, Ostis
Incantation: I send forth a curse of brittle bones, 2 Long Crush <Limb>
Effect: Disables the spoken limb

Level 3 Necromancy Spells


Shape: Evocation
Source: Well
School: Blood
Chant: Mez-Ra, Atrius, Sanguis
Incantation: Spread forth and corruption so that may seep into your blood
Effect: by my voice 1 + any one condition you currently have.

Enhanced Sacrifice

Shape: Totem
Source: Focus
School: Blood
Chant: Omen-Ka, Foci, Sanguis
Incantation #1: With death I empower death and send you to the beyond
Incantation #2: With lingering life I give you the last moments of theirs, restore X Vitality.
Effect: Incantation 1 will allow you to break a number of Sacrifice totems for +1 potency on your next spell. Incantation 2 will allow you to heal a number of vitality equal to twice the totems you break.

Shape Bone

Shape: Evocation
Source: Focus
School: Bone
Chant: Mez-Ra, Foci, Ostits
Incantation: They shall bend by my gaze, Remove Eternal Crush OR Eternal Crush <Limb>
Effect: By my gaze remove eternal Crush/ cause eternal Crush effect

Raise Dead

Shape: Totem
Source: Focus
School: Flesh
Chant: Omen-Ka, Foci, Viceris
Incantation: With spirit gone the flesh still hungers for life that I shall grant. May you rise to serve another cause once more and lend your body to living before you rot away.
Effect: You use a Mask to represent the totem. Once placed on a dead body the spell can be cast. The masked character will raise and fight wit hthe following stats.


Wound Limit: 1

Fortitude: 6

Vitality: 6

Attack Potency: Base weapon potency

Immune to: Lethal, Gore, Bleed, Weakness, Infect, Fatigue, Agony

RP Note: Undead do as their creator dictates, are moderately fast but take tunnel visioned actions.



Blood well

Shape: Evocation
Source: Well
School: Blood
Chant: Mez-Ra, Atrius, Sanguis
Incantation: I create this well to siphon the life force into my own, by my voice 1 Agony
Effect: 1 Agony, restor X vitality. X is the number of people it appears to affect

Death Veil

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Well
School: Flesh
Chant: Val-Ka, Atrius, Visceris
Incantation: With the well open between life a death I shall remain.
Effect: While in the well your fortitude is considered 1 higher vs potency. Additionally you cannot lose Vitality in the well. It can however be forced to 0 with a Lethal call or an attack with higher potency than your fortitude.

Final Life

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Focus
School: Flesh
Chant: Val-ka, Foci, Visceris
Incantation: I empower your final moments with the vigor of your fleeting life, live and die on this day.
Effect: Can only be cast on a character during their dieing count. Once cast the character can keep fighting normally. They no longer suffer wounds and can only be killed with a Lethal effect. If they take a lethal effect or stop fighting they have a long RP before they die immediately

Heart Stop

Shape: Evocation
Source: Hex Bag
School: Blood
Chant: Mez-Ra, Hexus, Sanguis
Incantation: Death shall find you, By my gaze Lethal
Effect: By my gaze Lethal, this spell costs 1 vitality to cast



Word of Power: Thal-Ra
Uses a packet. Can be blocked by deflections, shields and weapons.


Word of Power: Mez-Ra
Uses “by my gaze” of “by my voice” calls


Word of Power: Val-Ka
A short RP required to affect an object or willing target with the spells effect.


Word of Power: Omen-Ka
A physically repped object that is created by magic that can carry a magic effect to a location or indavidual. Unless otherwise stated in the spell description only one totem may be maintained per spell. If a totem spell is also a hex bag spell, then you may have 1 totem active per hex bag prepared with the same spell.



Word of Power: Ego
magic that is drawn from the arcanist themselves or their immediate surroundings. They need nothing more than the caster to be effective.


Word of Power: Foci
A Focus such as a wand, staff, scroll or other large handheld Item must be held in order to cast a Focus spell. Fuces spells allow a specific school of the prinicple to be focused. these are often potent spells at an Arnasists disposal.

Hex Bag

Word of Power: Hexus
A small physical bag filled and adorned with components related to the Principle of magic and worn on the caster. Hex Bags must be prepared with the spell using a long RP before the spell can be cast by the Arcanist. Arcanists may change the spell using a Long RP at anytime.


Word of Power: Atrius
A well opens up a conduit of magic and is often reserved for the most complicated of spells. When trained only one well can be maintained at a time by a single Arcanist. Once the well is open the specific effects may be accessed within the spells requirments. A well must be repped in some way with clearly marked area no larger than 5x5 feet and no smaller than 2x2 feet.