Elementalist spell List Spell in Berkana | World Anvil

Elementalist spell List

Level 1 Elementalism spells

Flame Arrow

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Self
School: Fire
Chant: Thal-Ra, Ego, Inferna
Incantation: I conjure forth an arrow of flame, 3 Fire
Effect: potency fire damage type

Ice shards

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Self
School: Water
Chant: Thal-Ra, Ego, Aqua
Incantation #1: I bring forward these shards or ice
Effect: Once the Incantation #1 is used, you immediately may use incantation #2 three times.
Incantation #2: 1 Ice
Effect: potency ice damage type  


Shape: Conjuration
Source: Hex Bag
School: Fire
Chant: Thal-Ra, Hexus, Inferna
Incantation: I send out the spark of lightning, Breach Agony
Effect: Breach Agony

Water of life

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Focus
School: Water
Chant: Val-ka, Foci, Aqua
Incantation: May the water of life flow into you and give you breath again, 1 Vitality
Effect: If the target of the spell has 0 vitality they restor 1 vitality.

Rooted in earth

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Self
School: Earth
Chant: Val-Ka, Ego, Terra
Incantation: I infuse your/my being with the stalwartness of earth, immune to stagger until the first step.
Effect: Until the target of the spell takes a step, they are immune to stagger.

Level 2 Elementalism spells

Breath of winter

Shape: Evocation
Source: Self
School: Water
Chant: Mez-Ra, Ego, Aqua
Incantation: Breath forth the air of winter, by my gaze Long Fatigue
Effect: Long Fatigue

Ice spear

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Focus
School: Water
Chant: Thal-Ra, foci, Aqua
Incantation: I propel forth a spear of Ice, 2 Ice Gore
Effect: 2 Ice Gore

Draw heat

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Self
School: Water
Chant: Thal-Ra, Ego, Aqua
Incantation: I steal the warmth and chill your bones, weakness
Effect: Weakness

Cinder Cloud

Shape: Conjuration
Chant: Thal-Ra, Foci, Inferna
Incantation: Cinders of ash will be your end, 2 Fire Agony
Effect: Agony, 2 Fire

Eyes of fire

Shape: Evocation
Source: Self
School: Fire
Chant: Val-Ka, Ego, Inferna
Incantation: You shall burn, by my gaze 4 fire
Effect: Damage

Stone grasp

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Focus
School: Earth

Chant: Thal-Ra, Foci, Terra
Incantation: Find yourself grasped in Stone, Crush Leg
Effect: Target receives a Crush Leg

Stone protection

Shape: Totem
Source: Hex Bag
School: Earth
Chant: Omen-Ka, Hexus, Terra
Incantation: By the connected earth all things are one without distance between. By this connection shall the earth weather the weakness of your tools, resist splinter
Effect: You may prepare a single totem, this totem gives whoever carries it a single use of resist splinter OR resist Crush. Once used this spell cannot be cast again until the initial Totem is given back and recast.

Owls wings

Shape: Totem
Source: Focus
School: Water

Chant: Omen-Ka, Foci, Aqua
Incantation: May we find shelter under the owls wings this night from the elements, resistance to Ice.
Effect: You make 2 totems, one you must were the second may be given to another character. Totems grant resistance to ice damage

Shape earth

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Focus
School: Earth
Chant: Val-Ka, Foci, Terra
Incantation: May the earth be shaped by my word and reveal it’s desired form. Malleability increased by 1.
Effect: During a Blacksmith craft may be used to increase malleability of a metal source by 1

Intensify Flame

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Focus
School: Fire
Chant: Val-ka, Foci, Inferna
Incantation: Burn bright and consume all that is in my path, potency Increase
Effect: increase potency of next fire spell by 1

Mending waters

Shape: Totem
Source: Hex Bag
School: Water
Chant: Omen-Ka, Hexus, Aqua
Incantation: May the water of life follow you and aid you in relieving suffering
Effect: totem may be used as a second apothecary for the assisted healing.

Level 3 Elementalism spells

Heat wave

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Well
School: Fire
Chant: Mez-Ra, Atrius, Inferna
Incantation: My all around me be consumed in flame and burned to ash, By my voice <x potency> Fire
Effect: The spell starts at 1 potency and increases each consecutive incant by 1 to a maximum of 5. The spell can continue at 5 potency. This spell starts at 2 and goes to 6 if intensify flame is cast prior.

Resist Flame

Shape: Totem
Source: Hex Bag
School: Fire
Chant: Omen-Ka, Hexus, Inferna
Incantation: May you endure where flame would claim you with the ashes, resist fire.
Effect: You may create a Totem that can be carried. The Totem grants Resist fire.


Shape: Conjuration
Source: Focus
School: Fire
Chant: thal-Ra, Foci, Inferna
Incantation: I call forth the lightning of the storming sky and bring it’s fury upon you in thunderous zeal, Breach Lethal
Effect: Breach Lethal

Eternal Fireball

Shape: Conjuration
Source: Self
School: Fire
Chant: Thal-Ra, Ego, Inferna
Incantation #1: I wreath myself in flame and bring forth an ever burning ball of fire.
Effect: After Incantation #1 you gain 6 charges of incantation #2, you also have access to incantation #3
Incantation #2: The <first> of 6, 5 Fire
Effect: You have 6 charges of a 5 fire packet spell incantation. You may take other actions in between. If you cast another spell you end this spell and lose all charges. To use the next charge you must sequentially count which charge as First, Second, third, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth.
Incantation #3: I consume the ever burning flame unto itself for untold destruction <X potency> fire Gore.”
Effect: As long as you have 3 or more charges left you may combine all remaining charges into a single potency spell with Gore. Use the third incantation.


Shape: Evocation
Source: Focus
School: Earth
Chant: Mez-Ra, Foci, Terra
Incantation #1: May my voice echo deep into the earth and bring forth the tremors that made mountains rise and fall. By my voice Stagger
Incantation #2: tremble and fall before the might of the earth, By my voice Stagger
Effect: After the first incant you may use incantation #2. This spell affects it’s caster.

Frosts Bite

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Well
School: Water
Chant: Val-Ka, Atrius, Aqua
Incantation: May the cold punish those who may do me harm.
Effect: While in the well you call "Reaction Eternal Disable <arm>" against anyone that attacks or touches your character.

Return to earth

Shape: Evocation
Source: Focus
School: Earth
Chant: Mez-Ra, Foci, Terra
Incantation: What was taken from the earth shall be called back to its origin and serve your needs no longer. By my voice Rend or Splinter.
Effect: By my voice Rend or Splinter

Ley lines

Shape: Enchantment
Source: Well
School: Earth
Chant: Val-Ka, Atrius, Terra
Incantation #1: May the earth ever guide me along it’s endless corridors of magic.
Incantation #2: All is connected, as I am to it. Teleport
Effect: You may go out of game and return to your Well. If your well is no longer set up you die.

Howling Winter

Shape: Evocation
Source: Self
School: Water
Chant: Mez-Ra, Ego, Aqua
Incantation: I conjure forth the frigid winds of the longest winter to steal our breath and freeze our bones. By my voice Long Fatigue
Effect: Long Fatigue, the caster takes this effect.



Word of Power: Thal-Ra
Uses a packet. Can be blocked by deflections, shields and weapons.


Word of Power: Mez-Ra
Uses “by my gaze” of “by my voice” calls


Word of Power: Val-Ka
A short RP required to affect an object or willing target with the spells effect.


Word of Power: Omen-Ka
A physically repped object that is created by magic that can carry a magic effect to a location or indavidual. Unless otherwise stated in the spell description only one totem may be maintained per spell. If a totem spell is also a hex bag spell, then you may have 1 totem active per hex bag prepared with the same spell.



Word of Power: Ego
magic that is drawn from the arcanist themselves or their immediate surroundings. They need nothing more than the caster to be effective.


Word of Power: Foci
A Focus such as a wand, staff, scroll or other large handheld Item must be held in order to cast a Focus spell. Fuces spells allow a specific school of the prinicple to be focused. these are often potent spells at an Arnasists disposal.

Hex Bag

Word of Power: Hexus
A small physical bag filled and adorned with components related to the Principle of magic and worn on the caster. Hex Bags must be prepared with the spell using a long RP before the spell can be cast by the Arcanist. Arcanists may change the spell using a Long RP at anytime.


Word of Power: Atrius
A well opens up a conduit of magic and is often reserved for the most complicated of spells. When trained only one well can be maintained at a time by a single Arcanist. Once the well is open the specific effects may be accessed within the spells requirments. A well must be repped in some way with clearly marked area no larger than 5x5 feet and no smaller than 2x2 feet.