Berkai The Administration of an Empire

The Administration of an Empire

Political event


The empire was inefficient, it was large and burly and straining under its own weight. The empire was reaching a breaking point when Mystaan took over. It was no ones fault simply a lesson in building. The empire had become to large without the proper infrastructure in place.

The first acts of Mystaan as Emperor were pretty subtle as they had to do with the Administration of the Empire. These acts included:

  • Re-codifying the legal system,
  • Rebooting how the justice system worked,
  • Breaking down the larger network of towns and cities to include local Mayors and governors,
  • Establishing roads and trade networks,
  • Creating taxable trade routes that were maintained by the government.
  In addition to the administrative work the emperor focused on calming the societal worries, these worries are based upon the amalgamation of different races within the empire. The empire was a giant grouping, a mixing pot of a variety of different races that all had to learn to come together work together and thus prosper.

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