The First Light Character in Beourjen | World Anvil
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The First Light

In the beginning there is always light.

The Pyramisic Doctrine tells of an entity that was pure soul, pure light. The first to inhabit the globe, or perhaps it became the globe itself. But at first it came to the globe, only a tiny flame until it met the endless waters that flooded the planet.

Then it touched the surface of the sea and spread out a thousandfold, refracting across the waves and lighting up all the globe. It changed then, giving out light to the world and the sea, and in turn taking in the essence of the sea to give its diamond shape and letting it reflect its own light. This was its soul, and the beginning of the world. Of the gods, and of life.  

Birth of the Major Gods

When the First Light had lit up the entire globe, it cracked its diamond shape into four equal parts, 'giving birth' to the three major gods—Beatrix, Axen, and Casper, respectively. Each quarter of light that the gods were born out of served as their soul, and the First Light kept the last quarter for itself so that it might live and raise its children, and later guide them into making a perfect, thriving world.

Once the three major gods had grown enough to help the First Light begin building life and filling the globe with everything their descendents might need to survive, the creator gave each of its children a duty. Beatrix, being the eldest, was to create things. Axen, the middle child and the first son, was in turn to destroy things. And Casper, the youngest, held the subtle duty of change and moving things.

For a time the gods built the world in relative harmony. Each of the major gods created one line of mortal descendants to inhabit the land, and the First Light was quite proud of its children's accomplishments. But it knew that it could not last forever, for the tallow of any candle will burn low and the flame must eventually be passed on.

Axen and Beatrix

As destruction eventually falls to all that is created, so was Axen drawn to Beatrix. Beatrix at first refused his affections but Axen, looking down at their scions of mankind and how the men and women each came together to continue their mortal lines, persuaded Beatrix that through their divine union they could create children of their own.

Casper and Eava

In seeing the union between his siblings, Casper longed for a wife of his own and thus went to the First Light to ask for an eternal companion. The First Light, judging that perhaps its own time was approaching its end, told Casper to pick a woman from among all that had been created and that she would be made a goddess herself. Casper chose his wife—Eava—and the First Light gave Eava the last quarter of its light to become her divine soul and grant her immortality. In doing this, the First Light ceased to be.  

The Diamond
The diamond representation of the First Light is commonly seen across pyramisic religious organizations, often as a symbol of either the major gods or the soul. Most notably it's featured on almost all editions of the Doctrine whether on the front cover or binding, and kissing it or touching it to the forehead is part of several religious services. The New Doctrine features a similar symbol, however the diamond shape is cut into four smaller diamonds with the top diamond slightly overlapping the other three.

Slighen in Protectorate monasteries also wear diamond-shaped pendants, often either silver or Aveaan steel, to hold and protect their souls through life. Aside from providing a small defense againt arcana, the Protectorate also believes that the pendants will keep the slighen's soul from straying upon death, and allow it to settle with the body and eventually find its way to the Eternal Feast.


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