Illyria Baskle Character in Beourjen | World Anvil
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Illyria Baskle

Lady Illyria Baskle

Illyria is the heir to House Baskle and the only child of Adrienne Baskle. She's a psychic arcanist, though this is not public knowledge. Initially she is used as somewhat of her mother's political pawn, however once in Beourjen City she becomes more involved in the developing revolution.
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Illyria is the granddaughter of the Sophre Oracle, which is where she's inherited her arcana. Her father is unknowingly Kall's son, and though he is not an arcanist himself, he is a carrier of the trait. Baskle knew this when she married and got pregnant by him.

Psychic Arcana

Illyria's particular talents lie in the realm of charming and mood alteration. A more subtle version of arcanic hypnosis, Illyria can alter chemicals and neurotransmitters that affect mood and feeling, which enables others to be more suggestible or easily coerced. Only her and her mother know about her being an arcanist, and because Illyria has a softly charming public personality, the nature of that charm is seldom speculated upon. She uses her abilities sparingly, and generally tries to rely on her own natural personability to get by in the Beourjen aristocracy and political games.


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