“Park Ranger Rescue” is an opening adventure for level one players
and introduces them to the oddities taking place within Beckett Park.


This is a system agnostic one shot.
Suggestions for DnD 5e and CoC 7e are available.
Click the image below to watch a play through!

In the heart of Beckettville lies a sprawling wilderness preserve known as Beckett Park. During the day, it's a paradise for hikers and nature enthusiasts, but after dark, a sinister force emerges.   As a park ranger working the night shift, you must survive five long nights and fend off the darkness with whatever resources you can find. You're trapped inside the ranger station with limited supplies and no locks on the doors or windows.
The only way out is to survive until morning.


Park rangers are the lifeblood of Beckett Park, and we appreciate their tireless efforts to keep our natural resources safe and secure. Their valiant commitment to our community is truly unparalleled.   Rest assured, we have every confidence in our rangers to uphold the highest standards of excellence and professionalism. We wish them all the best in their duties, and look forward to their continued success in serving the needs of Beckettville.
— President Hiram Beckett
Beckett Park (Player Edition)

Welcome to Beckettville!

Beckettville is the last standing city in Middle America after The Extinction Event. Led by The Hiram Beckett Company and President Hiram Beckett, the citizens of Beckettville are perfectly happy and healthy as long as they remain inside the city.

The City of Beckettville

Welcome to Beckettville, a vibrant and thriving city in the heart of the United States. At the center of it all is The Hiram Beckett Company, a business that has revolutionized the way we live, work, and play. Our residents enjoy a high quality of life thanks to our excellent schools, top-rated healthcare, and diverse offerings thanks to President Beckett.

Beckett Park

Beckett Park is the sprawling national park that sits on the outskirts of Beckettville, a place of beauty and wonder, but also danger and mystery. Visitors can explore the vast wilderness, camp under the stars, and hike challenging trails. The park is also home to a team of dedicated park rangers, tasked with protecting visitors and preserving the park's natural beauty.

Park Rangers

A park ranger is a member of the Beckett Park Ranger Service, a highly trained and skilled team of professionals tasked with the protection and preservation of Beckett Park. Rangers are responsible for ensuring visitors' safety, enforcing park regulations, and maintaining the natural ecosystem. They are also responsible for monitoring any unusual activity and responding to emergencies.

Employment at Beckett Park


The Rangers

This adventure was written for two to four players, but extra characters are given in the case of death or additional players. Some roles cover similar skills so be sure you have a well-formed team to tackle this adventure. If you need to create more characters, keep in mind the most useful skills will be centered around investigation, offense, and defense.
Resource Management
A ranger who specializes in managing the park's natural and cultural resources, such as water quality, air quality, and historic sites.
DnD: Intelligence or Dexterity based
CoC: Hacker
Park Edutaineer
A ranger who specializes in developing and implementing educational programs for visitors of all ages.
DnD: Charisma, Dexterity, or Wisdom based
CoC: Bartender
Park Enforcement
A ranger who is responsible for enforcing park rules and regulations, and protecting visitors and wildlife.
DnD: Dexterity or Strength based
CoC: Boxer
Grounds Maintenance
A ranger who is responsible for managing visitor use and facilities within the park, such as campgrounds and picnic areas.
DnD: Charisma, Dexterity, or Wisdom based
CoC: Butler, Maid
Search and Rescue
A ranger who specializes in locating and rescuing lost or injured visitors.
DnD: Dexterity or Strength based
CoC: Soldier
Wildlife Inspector
A ranger who specializes in studying and managing the park's wildlife.
DnD: Charisma or Dexterity based
CoC: Waiter


Serious spoilers for Beckettville and Park Ranger Rescue below.

Information for Game Masters

Orange exclamation boxes are to be read aloud or paraphrased.

Managing Beckett Park

There are very few human NPCs to control in this one shot. Instead, you control the eldritch forces of nature within Beckett Park. Each level introduces more difficult challenges for the players until they must use all their knowledge to survive the final night. Although this one shot is built with five nights in mind, it can be played multiple times with rising difficulty.
Each night during the initial playthrough has an audio clip that will help the players complete the night. The players are free to replay the clips when they need a reminder of what to do, but the ultimate goal is surviving until the last night. Each clip gives helpful hints for the player's survival. It's suggested to start each round with these, or use them as jumpscares.

Ranger Sandy
Sandy is a relatively new head ranger, but she is enthusiastic and passionate about her job. She genuinely wants to help the players succeed and will offer guidance and support as much as she can.

Ranger Randy
Randy is a seasoned head ranger who has been working in Beckettville for an impossibly long time. He's seen it all and done it all, and he's willing to do whatever it takes to get ahead.
The GM should play the NPC campers in a way that subtly hints at their altered mental state, while also giving players a chance to notice something is off. The players should be able to interact with the infected campers and potentially uncover more information about the ooze's influence in the park.   You can use the infected campers to add tension and danger to the game. The players may need to try to avoid them, hide from them, or even fight them off. You could also use them to create a sense of paranoia and mistrust among the players, as they try to determine who among their group might be infected.
Beckett Park (Player Edition)
Beckett Caves
The Beckett Caves are a maze of winding tunnels and dangerous cliffs, with a dark and foreboding atmosphere. The caves are home to a group of angry bears who have been disturbed by the spread of the black ooze.   If the rangers decide to check out Beckett Caves, they are immediately greeted by a Baby Bear. It doesn't attack at first, but if the rangers attempt to go further in the cave it will lash out. If they continue, they will meet with an slightly larger bear. Inside the cave they can find an additional knife.
Blackwood Trail
If the players wander onto the Blackwood Trail, they may encounter a variety of hazards. Ambushes by creatures hiding in the dense foliage, ready to strike when the players least expect it. Mysterious shrines or ancient ruins that may hold clues to the origins of the black ooze, but may also be guarded by dangerous creatures or cursed spirits.   If the players are not careful and fail to navigate the trail successfully, they may face serious injuries or even death. The GM can use skill checks and other game mechanics to simulate the dangers of the trail and create tension and suspense as the players struggle to survive.
Cappy's Campground
If the players wander onto the deadly campground, they may find themselves confronted by a group of campers who seem friendly at first but quickly reveal themselves to be under the control of the black ooze. The campers will try to lure the players into their clutches, using offers of food and shelter to mask their true intentions.   If the players fall for the trap, they will be ensnared by the ooze and dragged into the lake, where they will be consumed and added to the campground's collection of victims. To avoid this fate, the players must be wary of any offers of hospitality and investigate any suspicious activity they come across. They may need to use their survival skills and cunning to outmaneuver the campers and escape with their lives.   The GM can use mechanics such as stealth checks, perception checks, and combat encounters to create tension and challenge the players as they navigate the deadly campground.

Running Each Night

Each night lasts 20 minutes, with the first 10 minutes for preparation and exploration, and the remaining 10 minutes for survival, defense, or combat. The night doesn't end until the rangers are secured inside the ranger station.  
The First 10 Minutes
Players have time to explore and prepare without any immediate danger from the creatures. They can gather resources, craft weapons and defenses, and plan their strategy.
The Final 10 Minutes
The creatures of the black ooze begin to appear, and the players must defend themselves. They can use their prepared weapons and defenses to fight back, or they can try to evade the creatures and find a safe spot to hide.
Playing with Dread
Dread represents the fear and paranoia that the characters feel as they explore the park and encounter the ooze creatures. As the characters encounter more frightening situations, they must roll a d20 against their fear. Anyone who rolls a 5 or below must then roll on the Dread Table. The effects of the Dread Table last until the end of the night or until another players snaps them out of it.  
Examples of Dread Events include:  
  • Seeing an ooze creature for the first time
  • Witnessing an ooze creature attacking another character
  • Being separated from the group
  • Hearing strange noises in the dark
  • Being chased by an ooze creature
  • Discovering a dead body
  • Etc. This is not a limited list.
  The GM should use their discretion in determining when the players experience a Dread Event. They should also be aware of the players' comfort levels and adjust the mechanics accordingly. This one shot can be played with or without the Dread mechanic.
Dread Table
Thick Ick
The player develops a bond with one of the creatures or other antagonists. They will attack players over other actions.
The player becomes suspicious of their companions and will start to suspect them of being in league with the creatures.
The player sees things that aren't there, or they mistake people or objects for something else.
The player becomes unresponsive and uncommunicative, unable to take any actions or make decisions.
The player develops an intense fear of something specific, such as the dark, enclosed spaces, or the creatures themselves.
The player becomes overwhelmed and may cry or laugh uncontrollably.
The player experiences sudden and temporary loss of muscle control, potentially causing them to collapse or fall.
The player breathes rapidly and shallowly, potentially causing them to faint or experience other physical symptoms.
The player becomes restless, irritable, and potentially violent, lashing out at others or destroying objects around them.
The player loses touch with reality and may have difficulty distinguishing between what is real and what is not.




Ranger Briefing

Welcome to Beckett Park, the jewel of our beloved Beckettville. As newly recruited park rangers, you have been tasked with maintaining the safety and beauty of this natural wonderland. But be warned, this is not a job for the faint of heart. The park has been experiencing strange phenomena that have left our seasoned rangers at a loss. The trees have been shifting positions overnight, the wildlife has been acting erratically, and visitors have reported hearing strange whispers in the woods.   You are the last line of defense against whatever dark forces are at play in our park. As you gather for your briefing in the ranger station, you take in the rugged beauty of your surroundings. The log walls and exposed beams are a testament to the rustic charm of Beckett Park. The sound of a nearby stream and the rustle of leaves in the wind soothe your nerves before the briefing begins.   Welcome to Beckett Park, rangers.
Your first shift starts now.

As the players arrive at the ranger station in Beckett Park, they find the place in disarray. Papers are strewn about, drawers are open, and some equipment seems to be missing. As the night falls, the players settle into their routine, checking the security cameras and repairing any damage to the exhibits. However, they soon notice strange movements in the woods outside. Shadows seem to dart across the trees and eerie sounds echo in the distance.  
Don't forget to check layers on the map!
Ranger Station
The ranger station will start with a basic set of equipment, including 3 standard issue radios, 2 flashlights, a first aid kit, and a knife. There are not enough resources for everyone to have their own basic set, so the players will need to decide who gets what equipment and how to make the most of their limited supplies. Detailed information about items are available in the pins of the Ranger Station map.
The First Radio Transmission
Locking Down
The locks on the door and windows appear to have been ripped from their places. Players must find other ways to secure these entryways, which can include nails and a hammer in a toolbox or moving heavy furniture. The most secure way to close up the station is by finding broken wood and using the nails and hammer to board up the windows and door overnight. If they do not lock down, creatures can jump through the windows and doors without resistance.
Radio Transcript
Hello? Helloooo? Ah, right, this is a recording. Uh, welcome, new park rangers! I hope your journey into the park was pleasant. Uh, wait, I’m supposed to read this thing..   ‘Beckett Park! The jewel of our community. We take pride in keeping it safe and welcoming for our visitors. Your job is to maintain the park’s attractions and security during the glorious night shift! I am proud to have you on board to help us maintain and protect this beautiful national park. You have been chosen because of your skills and dedication to the natural world, and we are confident that you will be an asset to our team.   As a ranger, you will encounter a wide range of challenges and dangers, from wild animals to natural disasters. Your job is to keep visitors safe, protect the park's resources, and uphold the law. Remember that the park is a living, breathing ecosystem; we must do all our part to preserve its delicate balance. So, get ready for an exciting and rewarding career, and always remember to be vigilant, be prepared, and be respectful of the park and its inhabitants.   Thank you for your commitment to this important work, and I look forward to working with you in the field.’   Uh, well, I won’t actually be in the field with you, but you know what they mean. Anyway, first night is easy. Get used to the place, find your equipment, and get yourself secure. Enjoy the night while you can. Goodbye! Have fun!

First Night

As the sun sets on the first day, the park takes on a new atmosphere. The chirping of the birds gives way to the sounds of crickets and other nocturnal creatures. The shadows cast by the trees grow longer and more ominous. You notice that the darkness seems to be moving, almost alive. You soon realize that you are not alone.   The creatures that have been lurking in the shadows are now beginning to emerge, attracted to the light sources within your cabin. You will need to rely on your training and resourcefulness to navigate the park in the dark and stay one step ahead of the creatures' grasp.   Good luck, Rangers.
The first night is relatively calm, with only a few scattered sightings of the black ooze creatures. However, the players soon realize that the creatures are attracted to light sources, and they must find ways to navigate the park in the dark. They also notice that some equipment is missing and must be retrieved to help them survive the week.
Beckett Park (GM Edition)

Second Night

The Second Radio Transmission
Random Encounter Table
Raven x3
+1 to hit/attack
Snake x2
+1 to hit/attack
+1 to hit/attack
+1 to hit/attack
Radio Transcript
Hey, you made it! I mean, um, I hope your first night went well! Listen, we’ve gotten reports about increased sightings of animals around your area. We don’t want you to exterminate them, we just want them noted and tracked. Please keep a safe distance from any animals you may come into contact with. While they may look cute and cuddly, they, uh.. they must be reported to the Health Bureau to ensure everybody’s safety.   You may have noticed the tiny screens on your radios blink in and out a little bit. These connect to the security cameras scattered around the park. You can check these cameras for any animals or trespassers heading your way.   Remember, stay safe out there! Goodbye! Have fun!
As the second night begins, the creatures become more aggressive and frequent in their attacks. The players must find ways to defend themselves and their shelter.  
Increase Creature Encounters
The GM should increase the number of creature encounters and their difficulty to create a sense of danger and urgency.
Creatures’ Weaknesses
The creatures have certain weaknesses that the players can exploit. The GM can give hints or clues to the players about the creatures' weaknesses.
Repair Defenses
Players can repair any damage to their defenses using wood boards and nails. If the defenses are not repaired, the creatures will have an easier time getting through, and their attacks will be more frequent.
Search for Weapons
Players can search for weapons such as the park ranger knife, or improvised objects like a fallen tree branch or a metal pipe. Weapons can deal more damage to creatures and provide the players with a higher chance of survival.

Third Night

The Third Radio Transmission
Random Encounter Table
Snake x4
+1 to hit/attack
Deer x2
+1 to hit/attack
Raccoon x3
+1 to hit/attack
+2 to hit/attack
Radio Transcript
Hello rangers! Congrats on getting this far! You make this head ranger suuper proud! I have a special mission for you all tonight.   This afternoon we received word of some campers staying overnight. We had hoped to keep the camp clear for your shifts, but oopsie, our bad! Anyway, it turns out the campers are having a tiiiiny problem with some creatures breaking into their campsite and tearing apart their tent. Would you mind checking it out tonight and helping those campers out a little bit? Thanks!   Remember, it’s your job to keep Beckettville safe and happy! Stay safe out there! Goodbye! Have fun!

Night has fallen in Beckett Park, and the players are tasked with reporting an attack on a citizen. However, they must leave the safety of the ranger station and navigate through the park, which has become much more perilous with the spread of the creatures and their ooze. To survive, the players must find ways to slow the ooze's spread and avoid the creatures, while also aiding other survivors they may encounter.  
Evading Creatures
As the players navigate through the park, they must be careful to avoid the creatures, which have become more aggressive and coordinated. The GM can use skill checks for players to hide or move quietly, as well as create chase scenes where the players must outrun the creatures.
Spreading Ooze
The ooze has begun to spread throughout the park, ensnaring and causing damage to those who come into contact with it. To slow its spread, the players must improvise solutions, such as using fire to contain it. Additionally, the GM can create ongoing damage effects for players who are ensnared in the ooze, requiring them to use items or abilities to break free.
Aiding Campers
The players may encounter campers who are trying to escape the park. These campers may have valuable information or resources that can aid the players in their fight, such as first aid kits or weapons. The players may also be able to work together with the campers to overcome obstacles or fend off creatures.

Fourth Night

The Fourth Radio Transmission
Random Encounter Table
Deer x3
+1 to hit/attack
+2 to hit/attack
Boar x2
+2 to hit/attack
Coyote x2
+2 to hit/attack
Radio Transcript
Hello rangers! Wow, you’re doing so well! I’m sure Hiram Beckett himself would be proud of each and every one of you! Your mission tonight is- it’s-   Listen, there’s something different about you guys. Most rangers don’t make it this far. Please be careful. The ooze cannot be defeated, it will reform more horrific than before. Run. Don’t get too close or-   Dolorem rules this place and we have stared too deeply into their eyes. They feed on [unintelligible]. They are eternal, they are [unintelligible]. They are the dark thoughts lurking in every corner, the shadow following your every step, the madness that suffocates your mind, the despair that drives you to your knees. You cannot hide, they see all. Pray when dawn breaks you have not become another puppet in the endless parade of suffering.

As the fourth night falls upon Beckett Park, the creatures' attacks become more coordinated and difficult to predict. The players must be vigilant and keep track of the movements and behaviors of the creatures in order to avoid being caught off guard. They must also work together to prevent the creatures from attacking simultaneously, as a coordinated attack could easily overwhelm them.  
Scramble for Resources
Resources are becoming scarce, and the players must manage their supplies carefully. They must make strategic decisions about what to use and when to use it, as they can't afford to waste any valuable resources.
Extended Stay
Halfway through the attack, two of the previous campers show up. They will try to keep up the friendly facade at first, but soon show signs of being under the ooze's control and begin to attack the rangers.

Final Night

The Final Radio Transmission
Random Encounter Table
Raven x5
+1 to hit/attack
Raccoon x3
+1 to hit/attack
+2 to hit/attack
Boar x2
+2 to hit/attack
Radio Transcript
Hello, rangers! I’m your new head ranger, Ranger Randy! I hope you’ve had a wonderful time working at the park so far!   Wow, we don’t get too many people making it to- I mean, congrats! Your trial as a park ranger is nearly complete! This is your final night of mandatory service and we will review your performance to decide if you’ll return for another week of service or if you’ll be returned to revision conditioning for another assignment.   So, let’s get ready for your final night, rangers! Grab your officially licensed Hiram Beckett Company Beckett Park Ranger-issued machine guns and- oh, we got rid of those?... what do they-… knives?... Good luck, rangers! We have ensured the campsite is clear of any reservations and provided you with a can of Orion Bear Spray due to previously noted attacks.   May Dolorem grace your presence and guide you through the night!

  On the final night, the creatures of the black ooze launch an all-out assault on the players, and the stakes are higher than ever. The creatures now seem to have a coordinated attack plan and will stop at nothing to eliminate the players. The players may even encounter manifestations of their deceased loved ones within the ooze, causing them to question their own sanity.  
Boss Fight
Mama Bear
14 Defense
+3 to hit/attack
Fear's Final Form
The players will face several challenges throughout the night, including new and more powerful creature types, which will require creative solutions and strategic teamwork to overcome. The game master should also incorporate the "dread" and "fear" mechanics to increase the tension and keep the players on edge.
Finale Royale
To survive the night, the players must use all the resources they've gathered over the previous nights, including weapons, ammunition, and any makeshift defenses they've built. The players must work together to defend themselves against the unrelenting swarm of creatures.

Additional Content

Do you want to play again? Raise each creature up a few points to play at a higher level!
Reroll random tables and use the following table to insert new events:
Random Encounter Table
Power Outage
The power goes out in the Ranger Station, leaving the players in the dark and vulnerable to attack.
The players discover that their supplies or defenses have been sabotaged by an unknown party. They must quickly find a way to repair or replace what was damaged.
Killer Fog
A dense, poisonous fog settles over the park, causing disorientation, hallucinations, and suffocation. The players must find a way to escape the fog and avoid succumbing to its deadly effects.
Crazed Hiker
A hiker has stumbled upon the players' campsite, ranting about the black ooze and attacking anyone who gets in their way.
Ooze Seepage
The black ooze has seeped out of the ground, causing the soil to become unstable and creating dangerous sinkholes throughout the park.
A freak storm sweeps through the park, causing trees to fall and blocking paths. Lightning strikes ignite several small fires.
Additional Radio Transmissions
Radio Transcripts
Power Outage:
"Hello there, rangers! Looks like you're in for a bit of a challenge tonight. A power outage has struck the ranger station, leaving you all in the dark, both literally and metaphorically. Don't worry, though, I'm sure you'll be just fine stumbling around in the pitch-black with whatever critters happen to be lurking around. Just keep in mind that sometimes, the things you can't see are the ones that can hurt you the most. Have fun!"   Sabotage:
"Well, well, well, it seems someone doesn't want you all to have a good time tonight. Your supplies have been sabotaged, and you're left with no way to defend yourselves against the horrors of Beckett Park. Who could be responsible, you ask? The black ooze? A crazed hiker? Or maybe it's just some punk kid with a grudge against rangers. Whatever the case, you better act fast and figure out how to fix things before it' s too late. And if you catch the culprit, tell them they're grounded. Ha, I crack myself up!"   Killer Fog:
"Hey there, rangers! Looks like Mother Nature decided to give you all a real treat tonight. A dense, poisonous fog has rolled in, causing disorientation, hallucinations, and suffocation. How exciting! Just try to avoid breathing too deeply, okay? And if you start seeing weird things, remember: it's either just your mind playing tricks on you or something very, very real that's going to kill you. But probably not! Good luck!"   Ooze Seepage:
"Hello, hello, hello, rangers! It's your old pal, Ranger Randy, coming to you with some not-so-great news. The black ooze has seeped out of the ground and made the park's soil unstable, creating sinkholes left and right. It's like a real-life game of Minesweeper! Just make sure you don't step on any of the red squares, or you'll be sorry. Anyway, have fun out there, and remember, when in doubt, blame the ooze!"   Crazed Hiker:
"Good evening, rangers! Looks like you've got an unexpected visitor tonight. A hiker has stumbled upon your ranger station and seems to be a bit...off. They're ranting about the black ooze and attacking anyone who gets in their way. Sounds like a real hoot, right? Just try not to get on their bad side, and remember, if all else fails, you can always use the power of friendship to subdue them. Or just run away. Your call!"   Thunderstorm:
"Hey, rangers! Looks like the sky is falling tonight! A thunderstorm has hit the park, causing trees to fall and block paths. And if that wasn't enough, lightning strikes have ignited several small fires. Sounds like a real party! Just make sure you don't get struck by lightning or crushed by a falling tree, and you'll be just fine. And if you do happen to get injured, just remember: laughter is the best medicine. Ha ha ha ha ha!"
Images created by Emily Armstrong using Wombo.Art unless otherwise specified. Maps created by Emily Armstrong.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2023 by Emily Armstrong.


Please Login in order to comment!
Apr 25, 2023 23:54 by Devin

This is so good! I especially love your use of maps, they're beautiful art in and of themselves but also the layers are such a good use of the system. And the whole thing is just so aesthetically pleasing, the recurring black ooze is a real winner too.

Apr 26, 2023 01:33 by Emily Armstrong

Aw, thank you so much for taking the time to read my one shot and leaving such a kind comment!! I'm thrilled to hear that you enjoyed it, this article was so fun to work on! I just found out about the icons as map pins and couldn't help myself hahahah.

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
Apr 26, 2023 16:49

You have done a truly amazing job on making a ready-to-play one shot. Your art and maps are wonderful and the other tidbits like the radio transmissions just add that extra spice to this. Great work!

Updated soon.
Apr 26, 2023 17:37 by Emily Armstrong

Thank you!! This was such a blast, I might have to set up a game on Twitch for May! I reaaaally enjoyed working on the radio transmissions, there are a few more coming before the end of the challenge so people can play the game more than once! Thanks again for checking out my one shot, so glad you enjoyed! :D

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
Apr 26, 2023 21:27 by Sapha Burnell

I am terrified and intrigued. How dare you, madame!? The sounds of birds in the woods (and drones) will haunt my dreams. ... so we can play again, right?

Apr 27, 2023 00:11 by Emily Armstrong

Bwahahahah we'll have to plan a day for Play May!!

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
May 20, 2023 20:41 by Dimitris Havlidis

Absolutely loved playing through this adventure - thank you os much Emily!

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“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” - Aesop


May 20, 2023 21:10 by Emily Armstrong

Thank YOU! That was such a fantastic game, you all totally blew me away :D

Check out my worlds of Beckettville and Culinarypunk!
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