Hjarstein Lifson Character in Beast Empire | World Anvil
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Hjarstein Lifson

Great Scorpio, Grandmaster Hjarstein Lifson (a.k.a. Heart of Flame)

There is a stereotype that all Pyromancers speak Germanic...it's not entirely unbased. Those willing to learn Pyromancy in the Circle will have to learn Germanic or they will not understand a single word out of Hjarstein's mouth.
Those that take the plunge and learn his language will learn about the fragility of the human condition, and just how flammable the world around them really is.
— Julian Tyras

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Built like a distance runner, muscular overall but with a bias towards his legs and core.

Body Features

Medium gray fur, with white tipped ears. His tail is tipped white, with a snowy white chest and stomach.

Identifying Characteristics

Has a large burn scar vertically across his right half of his face which has long since healed.

Physical quirks

Walks with his head down, only looking up to acknowledge those around him.

Special abilities

Grandmaster Pyromancer, can manipulate flames freely and maintain their heat without any noticeable effort.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Hjarstein is what can only be described as a Grandmaster by necessity.

His village was burned to the ground by the Inquisition of Vater, with him being the sole survivor of the attack. At the time he had only a survival level of pyromancy knowledge, and used what he knew to pick up a flame from his burning village and carry it with him into the wilderness.

He carried and nurtured this same flame for 5 years, lost in the frozen wastelands of the north, until he finally emerged from the cold in Draconian territory. Still carrying this flame, he was stopped by a Draconian army detachment of 30 men, and told to extinguish his flame or face death.

They were all scorched in a brilliant display of pyromantic fury, the combined time of carrying the flame and his pure emotions developed his skills to those of a master.

He would travel south with his flame and with him tales of his feats of pyromancy, eventually being pointed to the Circle during his visit through Sovereign territory.

Hjarstein would settle down in the Circle, nurturing his flame in his living quarters. He says the flame will continue to burn until his sorrows fade, the last piece of his home still alive to him.

His ascension to Grandmaster was swift, learning how to control and apply his incredible fire control allowed him to become a master in just 3 years, with Grandmaster being his when the former Grandmaster died of old age.

Mental Trauma

Slips in and out of depression fairly regularly, and may potentially have some form of post traumatic stress from his village's destruction.

Morality & Philosophy

Protect what you love, and it will keep you warm on the coldest of nights.
— Hjarstein Lifson

Personality Characteristics


Hjarstein hopes to train others to keep their flame alive, to use the destructive power of fire to protect what matters most to the caster.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Extremely skilled survivalist and generally knowledgeabe about the wilderness.

City life is a mystery to him though, as he has no interest being surrounded by strangers.

Likes & Dislikes

Enjoys tea by his flame, says it "sates the soul by the heat of my home"


While typically clean, there is always a lingering campfire smell on him, likely due to his time with his flame.


Religious Views

Former follower of Blacke, but now agnostic.

Social Aptitude

Very withdrawn and quiet, but he will brighten up if someone is willing to speak with him in his mother tongue.

Hobbies & Pets

Nurtures the flame of his home.


There is always a kind of sorrow in his voice, as he never really has overcome his grief at the loss of his home.

His Northern accent is very strong to the point where native Germanic speakers even have difficulty understanding some of his speech.


Hjarstein Lifson

Fellow Grandmaster (Important)

Towards Brunhille Valrin



Brunhille Valrin

Fellow Grandmaster (Important)

Towards Hjarstein Lifson




Upon reaching the Circle, Brunhille took a special interest in Hjarstein, her protective instincts telling her to keep him safe should the need arise. Hjarstein appreciates her willingness to talk with him and help, but doesn't realize just how deeply she cares for him.

Seto Domini

Respected Student (Vital)

Towards Hjarstein Lifson



Hjarstein Lifson

Idol and Mentor (Important)

Towards Seto Domini



Honorary & Occupational Titles
Grandmaster, Circle of Magic
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
3211 44 Years old
Ragged shoulder length brown
165 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Only speaks Germanic with a Northern dialect.

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