Dracothic Ethnicity in Bavo'Sand | World Anvil


The Dracothic Species, or Great Dragons, are just part of the larger whole culture. Along with the Great Dragons, kobolds, wyrms and wyverns are all part of the Dracothic Culture, which live in the mountains at the centre of the Western Continent. But this culture isn't native to Bavan, and its history is one of sorrow and revenge.


  The Dracothic arrived on Bavan due to the High Elves, and their Cityship. According to the lore of the ancient dragons, the city appears in the skies above their world and laid waste and burnt everything to crisp, without warning without reason. Such powerful beings as the Dragons didn't all get kill from such a deadly attack, and the dozen that survive flew towards the city as it fled the scene of its crime, the Dragons followed and attacked it in the space between worlds, in the Darkness, within the Mists of time. The Elves of the city returned fire but the world-destroying weapons built within the city were slow to fire and difficult to aim against the mighty dragons. In the end, a Dragon hit a critical part of the city, and push it back into through the mists into an unknown system to either Elves or Dragons. The Dragons kept attack the city and in the end, it broke up and fell from the sky onto Bavan Western Continent, with parts of it burying deep into the landscape, creating large areas of scorched lands.
  With vengeance against the High Elves of the City of Stars, the Dragons realised this world was a good as any they could reach to settle and saw the mountains within the centre of the continent that the cityship had crashed on seem perfect for them to settle and revive their culture and civilisation. So the Great Dragons each carved out their own lair within the mountains and with arcane knowledge beyond the ken of mortal races brought Kobolds Lizardfolk and Dragonborn from many worlds to serve them and to make the civilization of Dracothic great again.


  Either now there are less than 500 Great Dragons, but each as a city of Dracothic with tens of the thousands of Kobolds and/or lizardfolk, thousands of Dragonborn, all under arms the cities are armed war camps. Every single man, woman and child is taught how to fight, how to defend and how to kill. Why well because Bavan will become the new Dracothian World and all others will be wiped out and kill. From Xan'thadan, to Wild Elves they all will die. Of cause the dragons noticed those small petty slaves of the Elves run to the East, but what harm could they do they were just slaves, nothing important. Now is the time for final vengeance against the elves and to take this world as their own.


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