Black Hook Guild Organization in Bavo'Sand | World Anvil

Black Hook Guild

The Black Hook Guild are a multiverse mercenaries group that work as adventurers, bodyguards, guards and collection agents.   The guild is only around 100 years old and as very little politic power within the city, they're very much about getting the contract done and getting paid. They have no interest in the politic struggles of the city, and often not concerned over who their working for, be it church, noble or guild. The only thing they won't do is illegal jobs within the city, so no theft, murder or harassment within the city, but offworld their morals are a lot looser. If you want a leader of a city dealt with on another plane no problems for the Black Hooks. They like their home within Bavo'sand and will do nothing that risks that position.   Along with the usual work of a mercenary group, they also deal with a certain level of crime within the precinct of Bava'sand they live in, called the Rose Bowl. They help out the golden buttons and the hellriders as requested by those parties, helping keep trouble down to a minimum within the local area.   The leader of the Black hooks is a gentleman called Enzio Rossi, who's been in charge of the guild for the last 50 years or so. He looks human but clearly isn't entirely, no one knows for sure what he is, be it assimar, half-elf or something else.   Along with Enzio Rossi there is The Treasurer called Hathreeli Brasscollector, a Svirfneblin, who never shows her face and is always seen in a deep purple hooded robe. She controls the money of Black Hook, both access to the treasury within the guild and the bank accounts with a number of the city banks. She basically second in command of the Guild outside of an actual fight because she controls the money.   There is also a number of squad and group leaders, who take their orders from Enzio within the Black Hooks, outside of the city, one of these will have full authority to decide how to deal with the locals, the contract and will always be supported in their decision by Enzio and the other leaders, if questions are brought up at a later date. But within the City, Enzio better be spoken to about any decisions made bar in defence of members lives.


Marshal -> Treasurer -> Squad / Group Leaders


Black Hook Guildhall in Rose Bowl Precinct. 2 Dozen Guild Members within Bavo'sand Gold both within the Guildhall and couple of banks round the city

The Contract is All

Guild, Adventuring
Controlled Territories


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