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Terrina is a world with a history inherited from another planet, known by its inhabitants as "the Old World". Ships made a long journey carrying countless unborn children, astronauts meant to maintain and course correct the ships as well as act as teachers for the children, monoliths containing the entirety of the Old World's knowledge, history and culture in order to help these children continue and learn from their predecessors, and various tools and devices meant to facilitate and grow their new societies. Once the ships reached Terrina, they dispersed and landed throughout the planet in areas deemed most successful towards sustaining civilizations as well as scattering the monoliths and the knowledge contained within with the hopes that the denizens within these ships can create societies and advancements that are entirely their own as well as foster cooperation between societies.   Unfortunately, reality often precludes idyllic expectations, and while most colonies were able to successfully utilize their resources to grow and establish themselves on their new home, the fact that they only had giant tablets with histories and cultures that weren't their own and old astronauts who told tales of countries and heroes considered long dead gave them little incentive to follow their predecessors' unwarranted optimism of the planet's future, and before long, the more cunning, commanding, and greedy Terrineans began to control the resources they deemed most valuable and necessary for life, and those thirsting for control, power, and prestige controlled the knowledge the monoliths by utilizing religions, philosophies, and technologies that would control and indoctrinate their populations and ignore the critical knowledge that wouldn't turn a profit or turn the populace against those who were different from each other. From this point, the more powerful settlements conquered the weaker settlements and created nations across the planet.   This leads us to the present day: 564 DT (Discovery of Terrina), and the world is recovering from a war between the two strongest nations, the United Republic of Santander, and the Federation of Karkazov, with the war ending in an uneasy truce after the use of powerful beings called Kaiju wrecked havoc on their populations. The world has finally unlocked a technology that has completely changed how society resolves conflict and solves problems: casting technology. Using the power of Terrinite crystals, these machines could utilize self-replicating nanobots that can transmute themselves in just about any material, allowing for them to be utilized to create weapons, magic, and abilities beyond what humans are capable of. This new technology became used by everyone, from children playing with casted toy weapons, to fans of various fictional works cosplaying as their favorite characters, to athletes and combatants competing in sports well beyond what the human body is capable of. The technology has become vital for everyone in every capacity, especially as the world has become more divided on political, cultural, and ideological lines more than ever before. In a increasingly fractured world comes many heroes, rising from their diverse beginnings seeking a better world for themselves and those they care for, and villains, seeking power and influence even if it comes at the cost of the planet and societies fragile existance.