Malidrax Organization in Bastion | World Anvil
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Malidrax is the home of the Dark Elves, or the drow, as well as many other outcasts. Most drow that call this land home are affected by the Curse of the Spider.   Castle Draxil serves as the seat of power for the Dark Elves. Their leader is Prime Exarch Valyndrx, she lead the Dark Elves from the dark realms of the Underdark to the surface and claimed Malidrax for the dark elves.   History   During the Twilight Wars, the gods had their final battle on this land that would be known as Malidrax. The Dead Hills that are found in Malidrax is the site of the last battle between the gods. There are many lost treasures in those hills, yet none of survived its horrors to bring the treasures out to the living world.
Geopolitical, Theocracy

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