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A land in an era of great prosperity. To the west, a great renaissance booms as new ways to utilize magic through means of engineering and mechanical innovation drive the Arcane Arts to peaks never seen before. New nobles born everyday, while existing nobles have become titans of industry. However the closer they come to arcane mastery, the further they move away from the gods. To the east, a new emperor has risen and put in place provincial warlords to enforce his laws. While his empire continues to flourish, there are some that wish to have more independence and freedom. Tempers have come to a boiling point as rumors of a growing resistance are shared amongst the poor. And in between the 2 largest continents lie a host of smaller nations and countries filled with countless adventures waiting to be had. Perhaps a trip to the barren wasteland of Rowshan filled with now abandoned cities just waiting to be plundered? Or the floating islands of Loomi'Ndor with its exotic feywild life and home of The Leshay Council? Or course if its riches you seek, one can always visit the isolated nation of Morn Atar and attempt to steal from the mass treasures of one of its numerous dragon inhabitants.   Whatever magical quest you seek, there is a place for you in Bastia. So, where would you like to go first?