Wererats Species in Barzathan | World Anvil
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Wererats are humans afflicted by some sort of disease of unknown origins that enables them to change form between that of an ordinary human and a giant anthropomorphic rat. Maintaining their human form becomes harder the longer they are afflicted, and eventually they become trapped in their rat-like form after several years of affliction. The disease may be passed along either to their offspring or through contact with bodily fluids, such as the saliva of the inflicted coming into contact with the blood of a victim. Due to this, a bite from a wererat almost always leads to contraction of the disease.

Basic Information


A fully transformed adult wererat stands at little over five feet tall due to it's slouched posture. The creatures usually outweigh their human counterparts by fifty pounds or more, however, and they are actually much larger in build. They have long, ratlike muzzles with enormous teeth. Their legs are squat and powerful, and they have long, slender arms ending in sharp claws.

Genetics and Reproduction

Wererats can reproduce with other wererats, or while in human form with other humans. The resulting child from the breeding of a wererat and a human will always be a wererat, as the disease is passed on in utero.

Ecology and Habitats

Wererats remain out of sight, their existence hidden from most of the civilized world. Because of this and their sensitivity to sunlight, they often make their homes in underground places such as mountain caves or city sewers.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Wererats are omnivorous scavengers, usually dining upon the scraps left by humankind or whatever they are able to hunt or steal. They are not adverse to eating the flesh of other sapient species, although they do not generally make a habit of doing so.

Biological Cycle

Wererats age at a rate similar to humans, although either the disease or an unsanitary lifestyle spent underground seems to take a toll on them over time. They usually live to around 40 years.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Wererats have keen night vision and a strong sense of smell. They are sensitive to sunlight, and prefer to operate in the darkness where their enhanced senses gives them an advantage. Even a wererat in human form, as it progresses through the stages of the disease, will become more sensitive to light.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
No one knows for sure the origin of the disease, although many theorize that some mad mage must have been experimenting on crossing men with other creatures. His experiments must have gotten out of hand, and have since spread like wildfire.

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