Session 11: Drow Seek the Godbutchers and They Seek the Truth of the 12th; City of Salt; Animaesus and Tarrasques Report in Barur | World Anvil
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Session 11: Drow Seek the Godbutchers and They Seek the Truth of the 12th; City of Salt; Animaesus and Tarrasques

General Summary

It is the 16th of Light, 9 am, and the Severing of the Annual Blood Festival within the City of Salt waits to begin. Tensions are high, mouths water from the populace, buckets still stand dry--stained red from years before, but not yet sanguine for this year, a year we truly need now; the city is like the beast it binds, and they only hold together by chains of social engineering.

Nonetheless, the group finds themselves split as the The Ways and Mores of Salt go to clandestine meetings of Godbutchers--Eros as an old woman, Stryke, Birdman, and Mel--where Cotton stays near their apartment to watch over Stryke's Children and handle her deal with Hantelmann, her fence, and her recent necklace she "procured". 

Cotton arranges for her fence to meet her south of the Throat of the city, and it obviously takes him longer to make contact with her because of the commotion of the Blood Festival. Nonetheless, after not too much time, the lynxin is met by the cynas fence, and they arrange a deal for five days from now, where he is hoping to get Cotton a few hundred gold for her and his troubles. Cotton agrees, and she goes down into the tunnels with the two drow twins, where the dark elves train in magic arts of the druids and stamina with the sword, and the lynxin rogue, Cotton, devotes time to expanding her alchemy knowledge. 

Meanwhile, Eros, Mel, Birdman, and Stryke soon thereafter, arrive in the northern warehouse district of Sage's Row of the City of Salt, where mages use the abjured and distorted, paneled and tiled--clean and structured--but, a broken shatter that has been reformed. They soon notice obvious attendees hooded and not, walking towards this meeting, for the streets are near bare of business and life: most need the Blood Festival more just to continue beyond today. They are stopped at the entrance, with Eros still disguised as an old woman. Eros convinces the guards, famous Godbutchers, to enjoy her new steaks, and that she should be allowed in, yet Mr. Meister waits and gest permission from the Lady Aengiliiz Altopar inside. Eros and others then interrupt the meet, force the noble lady to reconsider her position, and also the others to not be off-put by her drunken antics, especially after the Lady heals Eros. 

As Cotton reads, she hears quiet exits outside where once there were two young girls practicing and playing. Of course, she investigates, and she finds the girls almost overwhelmed by undead ghouls. She charges forward, and with daggers and claws, cunning and evasion, she fells one, seemingly as both the drow girls fall, paralyzed with fear. Adira soon falls unconscious, and she bleeds out from the wounds caused by the ghouls necrotic claws. Thankfully, Rhogarr, Donovan, and Leandra hear the noise, so they soon join to help Althea and Cotton, and the druid heals Cotton before she falls too. The end the death around them with tears falling in an echo. 

Aengiliiz Altopar gives another speech, and asks the Godbutcher s and friends to help her take the land, the sewers, back from the 12th House, to kill and end the darkness they have created--to make their town theirs again. Many agree, but many also leave, disappointed at the Lady and her friend in Eros, but they are also confused as to the true end of such a quest for death. 

As the party decides their fate, and distract Godbutchers and the Lady as well, silhouettes form in the larger winders, the near triple pane glass of this warehouse: an ambush! Drow attack, and the Lady with her aids flee, while the group stays and fights, felling many of the dark-elves with claws, swords, necrotic magic, and silence. It si during this time, that Eros, eloquent and quiet, sends magic messages to Telearia , and the wood elf says she could return if needed. Eros impresses on her to hurry, but in the end the bard is tired of the city and its weight of salt. 

Birdman, Stryke, Mel, with aid from wrathful Godbutchers save the capture of the Lady, but also they now know the arrest of both Stryke and Eros will be unavoidable. The group flees to the The Tunnnels of the Tortoise , but not before Mel and Eros discuss the purpose of their position in the city. Are they heroes? Are they citizens? Are they something else? Something more? They seek the darkness of the tunnels to hide them from the city, so they can make a choice of personal destiny if it existed. Eros is tired of caring, and the group is tired of being used for some other's purpose, so they flee. Stryke does worry of Jim's consequences, as he is a friend, but Stryke follows the others into the tunnels...
They first will come home and find the dead Adira, but they will need to leave, and they need to find refuge away from all that the city demands of them. Thus, it will not be until next time that they find where their truth lies, their emotions fall, and the destiny churns.

Rewards Granted

2-300 gp potentially for Cotton's stolen necklace. 
+1 Alchemy Cotton

Missions/Quests Completed

Save The Lady

Cover image: by Seth Love


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