Calendar in Baoria | World Anvil


The rulers of the Five Kingdoms standardized the calendar of Khorvaire early in their reign. The calendar is lunisolar (based on the cycles of the moons and sun). There are 360 days in each year, divided into 12 months with five weeks of six days each.   Seasons are referred to by their BSC names: Gentlesky (spring), Sunhigh (summer), Harvestcome (fall), and Frostreach (winter). The calendar start of each season is the first of the month with the relevant equinox or solstice.   Additionally, the year is split into two phases: First Ternia and Second Ternia. This was a BSC convention that was originally omitted from the standard calendar. However, due to continued common use, these were eventually added to the calendar.   The year begins on the Frostreach day when all three moons are full. Each month lasts as long as the cycle of the nearest moon, Risia, which is slightly over 30 solar days. The astronomers who developed the calendar standardized this to 30 days, with intercalary leap days added as needed.   Finally, there are two dragon cycles that are unofficial parts of the calendar. These are ancient astrological cycles that the Five Kingdoms considered a backward superstition, thus tried to remove from the Khorvarian culture. However, a few cultures held onto the mythology of these periods, attributing good and bad omens to the different combinations. The cycles are based on the dragons that mythology regarded as beneficial or adversarial to the people of Khorvaire. There are seven good and six evil dragons, with each group making up one cycle. Traditionally, the cycles have been referred to as "The Year of Good Dragon Opposed by Evil Dragon".
Month Names in Each Ternia
First Ternia
Second Ternia
(1) Jaseldenar (7) Jirad
(2) Fesradasir (8) Aund
(3) Murn (9) Sevespur
(4) Ahves (10) Ocidran
(5) Maf (11) Noranwor
(6) Jat (12) Dekimrad
Other Names
Names in Order
Cim, Gan, Mif, Rel, Sul, Vot
Gentlesky, Sunhigh, Harvestcome, Frostreach