Baltimore by dark June 17, 2021

June 17, 2021

Life, Death


The day dawns on rain, and destruction. The cordon around the battlezone in Susquehanna State Park has kept many people form learning what happened exactly, and the government soon steps in, putting out a full media blackout. As far as the citizens of Baltimore are concerned, the past two days were host to a violent storm, and that was all. They go about their day unaware of Zhyzak or Jonas falling, unaware of how close they all came to death. Eventually, the sunsets. The Garou plan to hold a Moot at the Sept of the Iron, who have temporarily taken in the High Garden while a new Caern is established. Tensions in the zoo are high, and all are in a sour mood. The loss of the King has touched everyone.

The King is dead! He gave his life to seal away Zhyzak, avatar of the Wyrm. His battle lead him to take on the Falcon's avatar into himself. The brilliance of the sun was felt across the city, leaving most of the Kindred paralyzed by fear of Final Death - the city was almost completely free of its undead tonight, almost none able to withstand their base instincts.  

Various Updates on Different Organizations and Communities

Society of Leopold - They are very hardline, kill all supes, and the slow pace so far has infuriated them. They are threatening to go independent and do it themselves.   Second Inquisition - The SI is in turmoil. The various camps have become rivals or outright opponents of one another. it is complete chaos at the moment as the higher brass try to right the ship.   FIRSTLIGHT - seems to be working mostly with Dr. Raymond, which is good. They have stood down from a lot of hunting duty on the East Coast for now; Raymond is holding them in reserve for something else.   Medical - Nightmares have become endemic in Baltimore. And more, patients report they are the same. A terrible black shape swooping through the sky, running through the city streets, and swimming through the waters. neurologists are baffled as to the cause.   Financial - The city is entering an economic downturn after what happened at City Hall on June 13, 2021.   Smugglers - Someone new has taken over the underworld in Baltimore, and pretty much controls the entire city. People whisper that he is the devil, that he can see into your soul, that no secret is safe from him. They are willing to do business, but information in the criminal underworld is becoming scarce as people are afraid to cross him. They call him the Red Man , but most folks are unaware of his actual identity.   Occult - The Red Nexus has become something of a treasure trove of occult information. A lot of mortal occultists vie for access. It's whispered to be haunted.   Police - They are on high alert after the City Hall bombing, and struggling against the uptick in gang activity in East Baltimore because of it they are stretched thin right now.   DC - Things have been locked down in DC for some reason. It's been like a black void, and some have actually lost contact with some spies there recently.   Pentagon - There is word of a power struggle erupting between the intelligence agencies, the CIA and NSA basically slipping into open hostilities.   Pentex - They just purchased a large medical company in Japan. You have reason to believe they will be funneling their patients to Edgar Allen Poe Memorial Hospital   CIA - They are freaking out over what happened with Zhyzak and Jonas. They think that the Syndicate are about to make their move, and have reason to suspect Nephandi corruption at their heart. Which is like the worst case scenario for Technocrats.

Related Location
Susquehanna State Park
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