Ahroun Species in Baltimore By Dark | World Anvil


The Full Moon, The Warrior

Humanity connects the full moon and werewolf depredations in its stories for a reason. Garou born under the full moon are spirit warriors, the deadliest and most vicious of their kind. Such werewolves are often pack alphas and leaders, though they are better suited to enforce the Litany than to interpret it. They are war leaders, inspirational figures, and uncompromising killers, and they are trained in the bloody arts from the moment that their People find them. A werewolf born under the full moon is called an Ahroun.   The Garou’s connection to the moon is much more extensive than human legends state. Every phase has its secret, but human myth comes close to understanding the truth in one aspect: the full moon floods the Warrior with Rage. The Ahroun is the living weapon of Gaia, the lord of bloodshed. He is the warrior among a race of warriors, the champion of a martial people. He is ever ready to kill, and to die if need be.   The Ahroun are respected, but also treated with some level of dread. Their killing instinct is inborn; even a Full Moon just past his First Change is more lethal than many veterans of other auspices. Their elders are few — it’s a rare Ahroun that survives the countless battles that are his birthright — but all the more terrifying for their experience. Like the Galliard, the Ahroun is an inspiring leader in time of war, but he leads with deeds and action. He is first into battle and last to retreat — if he ever retreats at all. In times of peace, he relinquishes command to others, but remains ever vigilant, knowing his talent for war will be needed again all too soon.   The Ahroun is the archetype of the werewolf as murderous beast, though they range from unapologetic berserkers to hardened veterans tempering their Rage with discipline. Their high levels of Rage put them on the edge at all times — the Full Moon’s blessing is a hair trigger, among other things. Those closer to the waxing moon tend to exult in the glory of the war, while those closer to the waning moon are more viciously pragmatic, ruthless in their bloodthirst. Every Ahroun is a dangerous individual to be around, but when the forces of the Wyrm attack, their packmates are glad to have a Full Moon warrior at the front of the charge.
No more running. No more surrender. Here we stand and here we fight. We do not walk to Gaia’s arms tonight — we will swim there, in a river of our enemy’s blood! Let them hear your howls and know true fear!