Kudsall Settlement in Baltharos | World Anvil
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Kudsall is the capital of Zecria. A small capital with more books and tomes than people. The capital city Kudsall is full of magic. Mages, Wizards, Warlocks the whole lot. Anyone who can cast spells and use magic is welcomed in Kudsall. If you are found to not be able to use magic then you better be a merchant who sells magical items, because the prejudice is real. Very real, basically segregation if you aren't someone of the arcane arts. The only time when nonmagical people are allowed to roam somewhat reasonable through the capital is during the Grand Arcane Tournament. Basically, the tournament to decide who the next leader of Kudsall and all of Zecria will be.  


There is a mix of different races in Zecria. Only one thing in common, magic.


The people of Kudsall respect the word of Grand Arcanist Sol Divir and the decisions he makes. No one questions his laws and rulings as many believe Bothos speaks through him.


The people of Kudsall purely rely on the power of the Grand Arcanist as well as protection from Bothos.

Industry & Trade

Magic items are the name of the game in Kudsall. You can't find a magic item in all of Nineveh that doesn't have the Zecrian crest on it.


Zecria looks very advanced initially. The closer you look you soon realize that the flying machines they have are really just powered by magic. Buildings are tall and clean. Glass is used a lot in almost all the buildings. It kind of reminds you of like a giant mall.


Magic everything. If you go to buy an axe, expect it to be enchanted in someway.


Kudsall was the first major city to be erected right after the Great War. Bothos himself designed the architecture and the way the city runs.


Kudsall gets many visitors as the draw of powerful magic items and new spellsbooks and tomes.


The style of architecture here is very fancy and noble. The buildings are nice and never dirty. The paths are marble or quartz with fountains, parks, even places to sit down.


Entering throught the gates of Kudsall reveal a completely new world compared to the surrounding terrain. While Zecria is full of stone, dirt and sand, inside Kudsall reveals a different reality. There are fountains, and palm trees, it looks like paradise.
Approximately 50,000
Characters in Location

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