King Sralios XVIII Character in Baltharos | World Anvil
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King Sralios XVIII

The current King of Kleubraizia.   After being ressurected by Demon Lord Krane King Sralios XVIII gave his allegience to the Demon Lord and proceeded to take back the nation that once betrayed him.   His old tomb was broken into by a small group of individuals tasked by Krane to navigate the puzzles and traps set by the tomb makers to stop graverobbers. They were successful and found the fallen King's resting place.   King Sralios XVIII was granted new strength from Krane and with his already immense power easily took the nation of Kleubraizia faster than Krane could ever imagine.   While Sralios isn't a direct servant under Krane he follows out his wishes and commands the nation according to how Krane wants it. King Sralios is, and was, a fair and reasonable King. Even in this undead state his morals and ideals remain, some of which even match with the Demon Lord himself.   The nation of Kleubraizia did not welcome back their old fallen King to his throne that easily. They saw his new body, his reincarnated self, and did not like what they saw. However, there were enough individuals who remembered the old King and knew of his betryal story. They sided with him and aided him in returning to the throne.   King Sralios XVIII now sits on his old throne ruling the oldest nation of Kleubraizia just like he did hundreds of years ago.

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