Beafalls Settlement in Baltharos | World Anvil
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Beafalls is a small village in the northern part of Scania. It is governed by an arcane sorcerer, a male human named Waltom. The main resource that comes from this village are quartz crystals. Primarily human with some gnomes and halflings. The only sort of entertainment here is The House of Shadows. A large timber and brick theatre, which has one door here and another in Felldion. There is also Wesav's Carvings the workshop of a female human woodcarver named Bridget Wesav, known for her intricate puzzle boxes. As well as the Emerals Mace, a fanciful adventurer's inn, built atop an outcrop of quartz crystal.  


Mainly Human with some Gnomes and Halflings


Waltom is a sorcerer who has become the chief of this village.


There are watch towes, but no milita.

Industry & Trade

Magical quartz crystals


Wooden houses with stone foundations, chimneys in every house due to the cold climate of Scania.


Wesav's Carvings, a wood carving shop. The Emerald Mace, one of the few inns in a vilalge in Scania. The House of Shadows is a theatre where most people in the village go to watch every Friday.


This village is set in a the large cold snowy desert in Scania.
Approximately 610
Owning Organization

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