Khuul Organization in Badoen | World Anvil
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Khuul is often regarded as a land of strife by outsiders. Its people live with an unweavering belief in growing stronger by means of their trials, and tell stories of the nations golden days. They speak of the mighty Casseim and the fearless Roera, of the Khuuli - Isha-quan wars, of the defiance of Shabesh Arrakh against a tyrant aurisha, of the seventh Khalatee Khuuli dying protecting the ruler. Their past filled with struggle creates a rich history, a bond that ties the people of the land together into a nation striving for glory.


The nation is lead by the Aurisha, who makes important decisions about law, religion and war. They represent the sovereignity of Khuul, and as such, they have significant diplomatic function. The aurisha can determine the rules by which the common people live their lives. As they are considered to be sitting on the throne because of the historical-spiritual legacy of their precedessors - only those willing to maintain this bond are chosen aurisha -, they are objects of outmost respect.   Besides the ruler stands the Khalatee Khuuli, a form of archmage, or ambassador of mages. They have the right to initiate the dismissal of an aurisha who becomes a tyrant, but are otherwise bound to the ruler as a protector. As long as an aurisha wears the title, the Khalatee has to guard the life of the leader of Khuul, regardless of their preferences. As Khuuli mages work separately from the government and the ruler, the Khalatee is the link between these two spheres of power.   The matters of religion are decided at meetings of the aurisha and the Minor Circle, a group of theologists, priests and monks. The aurisha cannot make major changes without first consulting the Minor Circle in these questions, but has the right to veto their decisions.   The Major Circle has no right to make decisions, only to advise the aurisha on matters of state, war, law, or their respective fields of expertise. The only occasion on which the Major Circle can alter the course of events without the aurisha is when they judge a claim made by the Khalatee Khuuli against the ruler itself.


Khuul is a territory that falls largely under the Arearic faith. Many of their core beliefs correspond with this religion: the need to preserve a balance of order and the freedom of spontaneity, the virtous nature of compassion and love, the willingness to engage in trickery and cunning being seen as an asset are all characteristics of Arearic teachings. The way Khuuli people understand the figure of Turning and Dolocar often pairs with their myths of self-sacrifice to protect people or principles.   History is a great part of Khuuli culture. It does not only explain some of the present aspects of government or thought, but also serves as example, source of identity, and basis for national aspirations. It is engrained in everyday conversations, stories, celebrations and representative spaces. A touch of historical relevance can lend value to the most mundane objects in Khuul - unlike in Syron, where they often regard these relics as something already surpassed. The memory of their past greatness determines how many Khuuli people see the present and future.   Khuuli people believe in the dignity of their culture and that of other people's. They often demand mutual respect, and are often pointing out when someone defies this principle - the nation is thus often regarded as picky, argumentative, or unable to understand a joke.   Noblility is easier to get into and fall out of in Khuul than in Syron, though there are class differences where these core values cannot reach, and noone shall tell a ruler whom to choose as their inner circle. The nation is generally willing to treat different sexes as equal, and they are generally accepting towards other races as long as they are loyal to Khuul itself.


Khuul has few resources since their last war against Syron. Though their territory held gold mines - and still has a few that are not entirely depleted -, they are now struggling to meet some of their basic needs. Many requirements of the population are satisfied through trade, which became one of the major pillars of Khuuli economy. Traders' rights are therefore protected by the aurisha.   The nation, however, possesses intellectual resources. They are at the cutting edge of medical research, experimenting with new treatments unknown in other parts of Badoen. Besides their doctors, Khuul is famous for its mages, especially those dwelling in the manipulation of the mind.   The entirety of Khuul would be hard to conquer - Isha-quan and Syronian troops tried many a time. The vast desert is an unwelcoming place to the traveller, and reinforcment or supply of an army would be a major challenge. The rocky landscape in certain territories provide excellent cover for guerilla troops, and if this was not enough of a problem, the walls of the capital, Roera's Tear are thought to be unbreachable.
Founding Date
around 563 ELS
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Roera's Tear    Shudar   The Witherplains   Malanij
A Khuuli rukha would be equivalent to a Syronian gold coin. An eeyk is also made partially of gold, but it would correspond to a silver. Sha means iron in Khuuli, but the money of this name is nowadays made of copper. An aun is the rarest and hardest to find. These black coins are made of obsidian shards, and are worth roughly as much as a platinum.
Legislative Body
The major laws are made by the aurisha.
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