Vexal Beast Species in Azzaron | World Anvil

Vexal Beast

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The wind howled through the Zephyrian Peaks, carrying with it a biting chill that cut through even the thickest of cloaks. Thalor the Wanderer, a seasoned explorer known throughout Iaxovar, trudged through the snow, his eyes scanning the landscape for any sign of shelter. His journey had brought him to these inhospitable heights in search of a creature spoken of in whispers and old tales, a beast of power and elemental fury - the Vexal Beast. As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the icy terrain, Thalor spotted a cave entrance. He hurried towards it, eager for respite from the biting wind. As he neared, he noticed a faint glow emanating from within the cave. Curiosity piqued, he cautiously approached, his hand instinctively reaching for the hilt of his sword.   As he stepped into the cave, his breath caught in his throat. There, bathed in the ethereal glow of its elemental veins, stood the Vexal Beast. It was larger than any creature Thalor had ever seen, its scales shimmering like polished obsidian, its horns curving majestically from its head. Its eyes, glowing with an otherworldly light, met Thalor's gaze, a silent acknowledgement passing between man and beast.   Thalor felt a sense of awe wash over him. Here was a creature of legend, a symbol of power and control, standing before him in all its elemental glory. He felt no fear, only a deep respect for the creature and the raw power it represented.   In that moment, Thalor knew he had achieved what he had set out to do. He had discovered the Vexal Beast, not as a creature to be feared, but as a symbol of the untamed elemental power of Iaxovar. As he backed away, leaving the Vexal Beast to its solitude, he knew that his discovery would change the way the people of Iaxovar viewed these magnificent creatures forever.

— Thalor's Elemental Adventure

Geographic Distribution

The Vexal Beast, a symbol of power and control, is native to the planet Iaxovar in the Azzaron universe. Its geographic distribution spans across several regions, each with unique biomes that cater to the creature's survival and growth. In the northern hemisphere of Iaxovar, the Vexal Beast can be found in the region of Zephyria. Known for its towering mountains and rocky terrain, Zephyria is a land of harsh winters and short summers. The Vexal Beast thrives in the high-altitude, alpine tundra biome of the Zephyrian Peaks, where the thin air and isolation provide an ideal habitat for this solitary creature.   To the east of Zephyria lies the vast expanse of Ebonwood Forest in the country of Sombria. This temperate rainforest biome is characterized by its towering, ancient trees and dense undergrowth. The Vexal Beast is known to inhabit the deepest parts of the forest, where the canopy is so thick that sunlight barely penetrates. The forest provides ample cover and a diverse diet for the Vexal Beast, making it a preferred habitat.   In the southern hemisphere, the Vexal Beast is found in the Obsidian Deserts of Scoria. This desert biome, characterized by its black sand and extreme temperatures, may seem inhospitable to many, but the Vexal Beast has adapted to the harsh conditions. During the scorching daytime, the creature retreats to the coolness of caves in the Charred Cliffs, emerging at night to hunt and roam the desert.   Finally, in the western region of Iaxovar, the Vexal Beast is known to inhabit the Maelstrom Isles of Tempestia. These islands, located in the midst of a turbulent sea, are characterized by their stormy weather and rocky terrain. The Vexal Beast, with its ability to manipulate elements, thrives in this marine biome, often found atop the highest cliffs, basking in the power of the storms.   The geographic distribution of the Vexal Beast across Iaxovar is a testament to the creature's adaptability and resilience. Whether it's the alpine tundra of Zephyria, the temperate rainforest of Sombria, the desert of Scoria, or the storm-ridden marine biome of Tempestia, the Vexal Beast has carved out a place for itself, becoming an integral part of the ecosystem and the cultural fabric of these regions. Its presence, while elusive and often shrouded in myth and legend, is a constant reminder of the raw, untamed power that the world of Iaxovar holds.

Conservation Status

The Vexal Beast, a creature of immense power and cultural significance in the regions of Iaxovar, is a protected species. Its conservation status is a testament to the respect and reverence the inhabitants of Iaxovar hold for this formidable creature. The Vexal Beast's conservation began centuries ago when the rulers of Iaxovar recognized the creature's declining population due to hunting and habitat destruction. The Vexal Beast's scales, known for their hardness and elemental properties, were highly sought after, leading to rampant hunting. Additionally, the expansion of settlements into the creature's natural habitats threatened its survival.   In response, the ruling class of Iaxovar established the Vexal Beast Protection Act, a comprehensive set of laws and regulations aimed at protecting the creature and its habitats. Hunting or harming a Vexal Beast was strictly prohibited, with severe penalties for those who violated the law. The Act also included provisions for habitat protection, restricting development in areas known to be inhabited by the Vexal Beast.   To enforce these laws and monitor the Vexal Beast's population, the Vexal Conservation Authority (VCA) was established. The VCA, composed of scientists, conservationists, and local community representatives, is responsible for conducting regular population surveys, researching the Vexal Beast's behavior and needs, and implementing conservation strategies.   One of the key strategies implemented by the VCA is the establishment of Vexal Reserves - protected areas where the Vexal Beast can live without human interference. These reserves are located in each of the regions where the Vexal Beast is found - the Zephyrian Peaks, Ebonwood Forest, Obsidian Deserts, and Maelstrom Isles. The reserves not only protect the Vexal Beast but also preserve the unique biomes of these regions.   Community involvement is another crucial aspect of the Vexal Beast's conservation. The VCA works closely with local communities, educating them about the importance of the Vexal Beast and involving them in conservation efforts. This has fostered a sense of stewardship among the inhabitants of Iaxovar, further ensuring the Vexal Beast's protection.   The conservation status of the Vexal Beast is a shining example of successful species protection in the Azzaron universe. It demonstrates that with comprehensive laws, dedicated organizations, and community involvement, even the most formidable creatures can be protected and allowed to thrive in their natural habitats.

Anatomy and physiology of the Vexal Beast

The Vexal Beast possesses a unique and formidable anatomy and physiology that sets it apart from other species on the planet Iaxovar. Standing at an imposing height of four meters, the Vexal Beast is characterized by a muscular body designed for strength and endurance. Its body is covered in hard scales that are tougher than the strongest metal found on Iaxovar. These scales, ranging in color from deep blue to black, serve as a natural armor, protecting the Vexal Beast from predators and the harsh elements of its environment.   One of the most distinctive features of the Vexal Beast is its large, curved horns. These horns, made of a dense, bone-like material, are a symbol of the creature's strength and dominance. They are used in territorial disputes, with the Vexal Beast charging at its opponent with its horns lowered.   The Vexal Beast possesses four limbs, each ending in sharp claws. These claws are not only used for hunting and defense but also for navigating the diverse terrains of Iaxovar, from the rocky mountains of Zephyria to the dense forests of Sombria.   The Vexal Beast's tail is another notable feature. Long and powerful, the tail aids in balance and is also used as a weapon, capable of delivering a powerful swipe that can knock an opponent off its feet.Internally, the Vexal Beast's physiology is equally impressive. It has a robust cardiovascular system, allowing it to survive in the thin air of high altitudes. Its digestive system is adapted to an omnivorous diet, capable of processing both plant and animal matter.   Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of the Vexal Beast's physiology is its elemental affinity. The creature possesses a unique organ, the Elementum Core, located near its heart. This organ allows the Vexal Beast to manipulate the elements, a rare trait that has led to its association with power and control.   In conclusion, the anatomy and physiology of the Vexal Beast are a testament to its status as a symbol of power in the Azzaron universe. Its unique features and abilities not only enable it to survive in the diverse biomes of Iaxovar but also contribute to its cultural significance and reverence among the inhabitants of the planet.

Perception and sensory/extrasensory capabilities

The Vexal Beast possesses a unique set of sensory and extrasensory capabilities that set it apart from other species on the planet Iaxovar. The Vexal Beast's primary senses of sight and hearing are highly developed. Its eyes, glowing with an ethereal light, are capable of seeing in low light conditions, an adaptation that allows it to navigate the dense forests and dark caves of its habitat. Its hearing is equally impressive, able to detect the faintest sounds, alerting it to the presence of predators or prey.   Beyond these primary senses, the Vexal Beast possesses a unique extrasensory ability - elemental perception. This ability is linked to a specialized organ within its body, the Elementum Core. This organ allows the Vexal Beast to perceive and manipulate the elements around it, a rare trait that has led to its association with power and control. This elemental perception enables the Vexal Beast to sense changes in the environment, such as incoming storms or seismic activity, giving it a unique connection to the world of Iaxovar.

Vexal Beast genetics and reproduction

The Vexal Beast has a unique genetic makeup and reproductive process that contribute to its rarity and significance on Iaxovar. Genetically, the Vexal Beast is a distinct species with a stable genome that has evolved over millennia. Its genetic traits, such as its elemental affinity, scale hardness, and formidable size, are hereditary, passed down from generation to generation.   Reproductively, the Vexal Beast is a sexual species with distinct male and female individuals. Mating typically occurs once every decade during a period known as the Elemental Convergence, when the energies of Iaxovar align, enhancing the Vexal Beast's elemental powers.   Following mating, the female Vexal Beast lays a single egg, which she guards fiercely. The gestation period lasts approximately one year, after which a new Vexal Beast hatches. The hatchling, known as a Vexling, is cared for by its mother until it reaches maturity, a process that takes about fifty years.   The Vexal Beast's unique genetics and reproductive process contribute to its status as a symbol of power and rarity in the Azzaron universe. They are a testament to the creature's resilience and adaptability, ensuring its continued survival in the diverse biomes of Iaxovar.

Growth rate and stages

The Vexal Beast experiences a slow and fascinating growth process that spans several stages over many decades. Upon hatching from its egg, the Vexal Beast enters its first stage of life as a Vexling. Vexlings are small, about the size of a large dog, but they grow rapidly in their first few years. During this stage, the Vexling's horns and scales begin to develop, and it starts to exhibit its elemental abilities.   After about ten years, the Vexling enters the Juvenile stage. Now about the size of a horse, the Juvenile Vexal Beast has fully developed horns and scales, and its elemental powers grow stronger. Juveniles begin to explore their surroundings more, learning to hunt and survive in the harsh environments of Iaxovar.   At around fifty years, the Vexal Beast reaches Adulthood. Now at its full size, the Adult Vexal Beast is a formidable creature, capable of manipulating the elements with ease. Adults are solitary and territorial, staking out a range to call their own.   The final stage is the Elder stage, which a Vexal Beast reaches after about two hundred years. Elders are revered for their wisdom and power, and their scales and horns often bear the marks of many battles. Despite their age, Elders remain strong and capable, a testament to the Vexal Beast's resilience and longevity.   The growth rate and stages of the Vexal Beast are a reflection of its strength and endurance. Each stage brings new developments and challenges, shaping the Vexal Beast into the powerful and revered creature it is known as in the Azzaron universe.

Ecology and habitat

They inhabit a diverse range of biomes on the planet Iaxovar. Its interactions with its environment and other species form a complex web of ecological relationships that contribute to the balance of Iaxovar's ecosystems. In the high-altitude, alpine tundra of the Zephyrian Peaks, the Vexal Beast shares its habitat with the Glacial Griffins. These majestic creatures, known for their icy plumage and sharp talons, are often seen soaring above the peaks. While they are not hostile towards the Vexal Beast, territorial disputes between the two species are not uncommon. Despite this, a mutual respect exists between them, each recognizing the other's strength and dominance.   In the dense Ebonwood Forest, the Vexal Beast interacts with the Shadow Stags, elusive creatures with antlers that glow in the dark. The Vexal Beast and the Shadow Stags maintain a peaceful coexistence, with the Vexal Beast often seen watching over the stags from a distance, a silent guardian in the shadows of the forest. The Vexal Beast also has a symbiotic relationship with the Luminous Larks, a species of bird found across Iaxovar. These small, glowing birds are often seen perched on the Vexal Beast, picking off parasites from its scales. In return, the Vexal Beast provides the Luminous Larks with protection, its formidable presence deterring potential predators.   In the Obsidian Deserts of Scoria, the Vexal Beast encounters the Sand Serpents, large, burrowing reptiles that traverse the black sands. While the Sand Serpents are wary of the Vexal Beast, they pose no threat, each creature respecting the other's space.   The Vexal Beast's interaction with its environment is one of harmony and balance. Despite its power, it does not dominate its habitats but rather adapts to them. In the Zephyrian Peaks, it uses its elemental powers to create shelters in the mountainside, providing it with protection from the harsh winters. In the Ebonwood Forest, it uses its strength to clear fallen trees, preventing wildfires and maintaining the health of the forest.   In the Obsidian Deserts, the Vexal Beast's elemental abilities allow it to survive the extreme temperatures, its scales absorbing the heat during the day and releasing it at night. And in the Maelstrom Isles, the Vexal Beast uses its powers to calm the turbulent seas, ensuring the survival of the marine life that calls the isles home.   The Vexal Beast's ecological role extends beyond its interactions with other species and its environment. It is a keystone species, its presence contributing to the stability of the ecosystems it inhabits. Its role as a top predator helps control the population of certain species, preventing overpopulation and ensuring the availability of resources.   In conclusion, the Vexal Beast's ecology and habitat are a testament to its adaptability and the respect it holds for the world of Iaxovar. Its interactions with other species and its environment reflect a creature that, despite its power, chooses to live in harmony with its surroundings, contributing to the balance and diversity of Iaxovar's ecosystems.

Biological cycle

The Vexal Beast has a unique biological cycle that is closely tied to the elemental forces of the planet Iaxovar. The Vexal Beast is a creature of constant activity, its robust physiology allowing it to thrive in the diverse climates and seasons of Iaxovar. However, its biological cycle is most pronounced during the stormy seasons, a period known as the Elemental Convergence.   The Elemental Convergence is a time when the energies of Iaxovar align, resulting in increased elemental activity across the planet. This period is characterized by frequent storms, seismic activity, and other elemental phenomena. For the Vexal Beast, the Elemental Convergence is a time of heightened activity and power.   During this period, the Vexal Beast's elemental abilities are at their peak. Its scales glow with a brighter intensity, and its control over the elements is more precise and powerful. This is also the time when the Vexal Beast is most likely to engage in territorial disputes, using its enhanced powers to assert its dominance.   The Elemental Convergence also coincides with the Vexal Beast's mating season. The heightened elemental activity stimulates the Vexal Beast's reproductive cycle, leading to increased mating behavior. Following mating, the female Vexal Beast lays a single egg, which she guards fiercely until it hatches the following season.   As the Elemental Convergence subsides, the Vexal Beast enters a period of relative calm. Its elemental powers return to their normal levels, and its activity decreases. However, the Vexal Beast remains vigilant, ready to defend its territory and protect its young.   In conclusion, the biological cycle of the Vexal Beast is a fascinating interplay of elemental forces and biological rhythms. It is a testament to the creature's adaptability and resilience, allowing it to thrive in the diverse and dynamic world of Iaxovar.

Dietary needs of the Vexal Beasts

The Vexal Beast is an omnivore, capable of consuming both plant and animal matter. Its dietary habits are closely tied to its environment and the availability of resources, reflecting its adaptability and resilience. In the high-altitude tundra of the Zephyrian Peaks, the Vexal Beast feeds on the hardy vegetation that grows in the rocky soil, as well as the occasional Glacial Griffin or mountain goat. It uses its elemental powers to stun its prey, delivering a swift and merciful kill.   In the dense Ebonwood Forest, the Vexal Beast's diet is more varied. It feeds on the abundant vegetation, including fruits, nuts, and leaves, and hunts the Shadow Stags and other forest creatures. The Vexal Beast is a patient hunter, using its elemental powers to trap its prey or drive it into a corner.   In the Obsidian Deserts of Scoria, the Vexal Beast's diet consists mainly of the desert flora and the Sand Serpents. The Vexal Beast uses its elemental powers to unearth the burrowing Sand Serpents, catching them by surprise.   Regardless of the environment, the Vexal Beast is a careful and respectful eater. It takes only what it needs to survive, ensuring the sustainability of its food sources. After making a kill, it consumes every part of its prey, leaving nothing to waste.   The Vexal Beast also exhibits unique feeding behaviors. It is known to fast during the Elemental Convergence, a period of heightened elemental activity. During this time, the Vexal Beast relies on its stored energy reserves, focusing its attention on territorial disputes and mating.   In conclusion, the dietary needs and habits of the Vexal Beast reflect its adaptability and respect for its environment. Whether it's hunting in the Ebonwood Forest or foraging in the Obsidian Deserts, the Vexal Beast is a creature in harmony with its surroundings, its dietary habits a testament to its role as a keystone species in the ecosystems of Iaxovar.

Behaviour and psychology

The Vexal Beast exhibits a range of behaviors and psychological traits that reflect its status as a symbol of power and control. The Vexal Beast is a solitary creature, preferring to live and hunt alone. It is highly territorial, marking its territory with scratches on trees or rocks and using its elemental powers to create visible signs of its presence. When its territory is invaded, the Vexal Beast will defend it fiercely, engaging in combat with intruders.   Despite its solitary nature, the Vexal Beast shows a level of social behavior during the Elemental Convergence, a period of heightened elemental activity. During this time, Vexal Beasts will gather in specific locations, engaging in displays of power and dominance. These gatherings are also the only time when Vexal Beasts mate, leading to a brief period of social interaction.   The Vexal Beast exhibits a high level of intelligence, as evidenced by its hunting strategies and territorial behaviors. It is capable of problem-solving and adapting to new situations, demonstrating a level of cognitive ability rare among non-humanoid species.   Emotionally, the Vexal Beast is a creature of restraint and control. Despite its power, it does not engage in unnecessary violence or destruction. It shows a level of empathy towards its prey, killing swiftly and mercifully. It also displays protective behavior towards its young, guarding them fiercely until they reach maturity.   The Vexal Beast's behavior and psychology are deeply influenced by its elemental powers. It has a strong connection to the natural world, able to sense changes in the environment and react accordingly. This connection also influences its emotional state, with the Vexal Beast becoming more active and aggressive during periods of heightened elemental activity.   In conclusion, the behavior and psychology of the Vexal Beast reflect its status as a creature of power and control. Its intelligence, emotional depth, and connection to the elements make it a unique and fascinating creature in the Azzaron universe.

Average intelligence

The Vexal Beast possesses a level of intelligence that is highly advanced for a non-humanoid species. Its cognitive abilities are comparable to those of humans, allowing it to solve complex problems, understand its environment, and adapt to various situations. The Vexal Beast demonstrates strategic thinking in hunting, using its elemental powers not just for brute force, but also in clever ways to trap or stun its prey. It also shows a deep understanding of its territory, remembering specific landmarks and the locations of food and water sources. Furthermore, the Vexal Beast exhibits signs of emotional intelligence. It shows restraint in its use of power, only engaging in fights when necessary, and displays protective behavior towards its young. This level of intelligence, combined with its physical prowess and elemental abilities, makes the Vexal Beast a truly formidable creature in the Azzaron universe.

Average physique

The Vexal Beast also possesses a formidable physique that reflects its strength and resilience. Standing at an imposing height of four meters and weighing approximately 2000 kg, the Vexal Beast is a creature of significant size and bulk. Its body is muscular and well-proportioned, built for both power and endurance. Its scales, harder than any known metal on Iaxovar, cover its body, providing a natural armor against predators and the elements. Its large, curved horns and sharp claws add to its formidable appearance, while its long tail aids in balance and serves as a powerful weapon. This robust physique, combined with its elemental abilities, makes the Vexal Beast a creature of immense strength and power, capable of surviving in the diverse and often harsh environments of Iaxovar.

Facial characteristics and features

The Vexal Beast possesses a distinctive set of facial characteristics and features that reflect its strength and elemental affinity. The Vexal Beast's face is framed by large, curved horns that grow from the top of its head. These horns, made of a dense, bone-like material, are a symbol of the creature's strength and dominance. They vary in size and curvature, with some Vexal Beasts possessing longer, more curved horns, while others have shorter, straighter ones.   The Vexal Beast's eyes are perhaps its most striking feature. Large and glowing with an ethereal light, they are capable of seeing in low light conditions, an adaptation that allows it to navigate the dense forests and dark caves of its habitat. The color of the eyes varies among Vexal Beasts, ranging from a deep blue to a vibrant green, reflecting their elemental affinity.   The Vexal Beast has a broad snout, similar to that of a dragon, with sharp, powerful jaws capable of crushing bone. Its teeth are sharp and serrated, designed for tearing meat, but it also has flat molars for grinding plant matter, reflecting its omnivorous diet.   Variations in the Vexal Beast's facial characteristics can be seen among different populations. In the Zephyrian Peaks, Vexal Beasts tend to have thicker, more robust horns, an adaptation to the harsh, rocky environment. In contrast, Vexal Beasts in the Ebonwood Forest often have darker eye colors, helping them blend into the shadowy forest. In conclusion, the facial characteristics and features of the Vexal Beast are a testament to its adaptability and elemental affinity. They not only enable it to survive in the diverse environments of Iaxovar but also contribute to its status as a symbol of power and control in the Azzaron universe.

Body tint, colouring and markings

The Vexal Beast is known for its distinctive body tint, colouring, and markings, which not only serve as a form of protection but also signify its elemental affinity. The Vexal Beast's body is covered in hard scales that range in colour from deep blue to black. These scales serve as a natural armour, protecting the Vexal Beast from predators and the harsh elements of its environment. The colour of the scales also helps the Vexal Beast blend into its surroundings, providing it with a form of camouflage. The Vexal Beast's body is marked with glowing lines that trace a complex pattern across its scales. These lines, known as Elemental Veins, glow with an ethereal light, their colour reflecting the Vexal Beast's elemental affinity. The Elemental Veins are not just decorative; they are a visual representation of the Vexal Beast's elemental powers, glowing brighter when the creature uses its abilities.   Variations in the Vexal Beast's body tint, colouring, and markings can be seen among different populations. In the Zephyrian Peaks, Vexal Beasts tend to have lighter-coloured scales, helping them blend into the snowy environment. Their Elemental Veins often glow with a cool blue light, reflecting their affinity for ice and wind elements.   In contrast, Vexal Beasts in the Ebonwood Forest often have darker scales, allowing them to blend into the shadowy forest. Their Elemental Veins glow with a vibrant green light, reflecting their affinity for earth and nature elements.   In conclusion, the body tint, colouring, and markings of the Vexal Beast are a testament to its adaptability and elemental affinity. They not only provide it with protection and camouflage but also serve as a visual representation of its elemental powers, contributing to its status as a symbol of power in the Azzaron universe.

Symbiotic and parasitic species

These relationships range from symbiotic partnerships that benefit both parties to parasitic interactions that can pose challenges to the Vexal Beast. One of the most notable symbiotic relationships the Vexal Beast forms is with the Luminous Larks. These small, glowing birds are often seen perched on the Vexal Beast, picking off parasites from its scales. The Luminous Larks benefit from this relationship by gaining access to a reliable food source, while the Vexal Beast benefits from the removal of parasites. Furthermore, the presence of the Luminous Larks deters other, potentially harmful, bird species from approaching the Vexal Beast, providing it with an additional layer of protection.   Another symbiotic relationship is with the Ebonwood Moss, a type of moss found in the Ebonwood Forest. The Ebonwood Moss grows on the Vexal Beast's scales, gaining access to sunlight and nutrients. In return, the moss provides the Vexal Beast with additional camouflage, helping it blend into the shadowy forest.   On the other hand, the Vexal Beast also has to contend with parasitic species. The Scale Mites are tiny insects that burrow into the Vexal Beast's scales, feeding on its blood. While the Scale Mites are not usually harmful in small numbers, a large infestation can weaken the Vexal Beast and potentially lead to infection.   Another parasitic species is the Shadow Leech, a creature that attaches itself to the Vexal Beast and drains its elemental energy. The Shadow Leech is particularly dangerous during the Elemental Convergence, a period of heightened elemental activity, when the Vexal Beast's powers are at their peak.   In conclusion, the Vexal Beast's relationships with other species are a testament to its role in the ecosystems of Iaxovar. Whether it's forming symbiotic partnerships with Luminous Larks and Ebonwood Moss or contending with parasitic Scale Mites and Shadow Leeches, the Vexal Beast's interactions with other species contribute to the balance and diversity of life on Iaxovar.

Social structure

The Vexal Beast is predominantly a solitary creature. Each individual stakes out a territory, which it defends fiercely from other Vexal Beasts and potential threats. This territorial behavior is a key aspect of the Vexal Beast's social structure, with the size and quality of a territory often reflecting the strength and status of its occupant. Despite their solitary nature, Vexal Beasts come together during the Elemental Convergence, a period of heightened elemental activity. During this time, they engage in displays of power and dominance, and mating occurs. This brief period of social interaction is the only time when Vexal Beasts tolerate the presence of others of their kind, reflecting a complex social structure that balances solitary living with communal gatherings.

Byproducts and exploitation

The Vexal Beast is a source of various byproducts that have significant value to the inhabitants of Iaxovar. However, the exploitation of the Vexal Beast and its byproducts is a contentious issue, given the creature's status as a symbol of power and its importance to the ecosystems of Iaxovar. One of the most sought-after byproducts of the Vexal Beast is its scales. Harder than any known metal on Iaxovar, the scales of a Vexal Beast are highly valued for their protective properties. They are often used in the crafting of armor and shields, providing unparalleled defense against physical and elemental attacks. However, the removal of scales from a living Vexal Beast is a dangerous and often deadly endeavor, leading to strict regulations on scale harvesting.   The horns of the Vexal Beast are another valuable byproduct. They are used in various cultural and religious practices, often symbolizing power and control. The horns are also used in the creation of powerful elemental artifacts, their innate connection to the elements making them ideal conduits for elemental energy. However, like the scales, the harvesting of horns from a living Vexal Beast is heavily regulated.   The exploitation of the Vexal Beast extends beyond its physical byproducts. The creature's elemental powers are often sought after by elementalists and sorcerers, who attempt to harness the Vexal Beast's energy for their spells and rituals. This form of exploitation is particularly controversial, as it often involves the capture and confinement of a Vexal Beast, practices that are widely considered unethical and are illegal in many regions of Iaxovar.   In conclusion, while the Vexal Beast is a source of valuable byproducts, the exploitation of these byproducts is a complex issue that raises ethical and conservation concerns. The challenge lies in balancing the demand for these byproducts with the need to protect the Vexal Beast and preserve its role in the ecosystems of Iaxovar.

by Created by ParadoxicalLemon08 using MidJourney

Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Vexal potens
The Vexal Beast is believed to have evolved from a common ancestor with the reptiles of Iaxovar, resulting in a diverse range of phenotypical characteristics, including variations in scale color, horn shape, and elemental affinity.
Discovered by
Dark fantasy dense forest section break by Created by ParadoxicalLemon08 using MidJourney

Cover image: Vexal Beast hunting grounds by Created by ParadoxicalLemon08 using MidJourney


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