Vanara Species in Azphour | World Anvil
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      Vanaras are often viewed with amusement or even exasperation by members of other races, who find their personalities childish and irritating. They are curious in the extreme, frequently badgering people with questions (sometimes very personal questions), picking small items up to examine them, opening doors to see where they lead, and generally exploring places where the human sense of propriety and order would demand they not go. They tend to be bluntly honest, never couching a negative opinion in gentle terms or hiding their true feelings about anything. At the same time they are incredibly loyal, quite brave when the situation requires it, and genuinely kind.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Their bodies are covered with light fur, ranging from white through light blue to brown and black. Their faces are distinctly monkeylike, with protruding muzzles, furred cheeks, and wide, lipless mouths. They have long semiprehensile tails, long fingers and toes, and large ears, but their arms, legs, and torsos are proportioned like those of humans.
Racial Uniqueness   Soul Type; "Soulless"   Ability Bonus; +2 Wis, +2 Str, -2 Int   Skill Bonus; +4 Climb, +2 Stealth, +2 Acrobatics   Saves; None   Natural Climber; May always take a 10 on Climb checks   Prehensile Tail; Cannot wield a weapon, but can retrieve an item as a swift action with his tale.
70-90 years.
Average Height
Vanaras are slightly shorter than humans, standing 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 feet tall
Average Weight
Typically weighing 90 to 140 pounds


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