Summer Solstice Tradition / Ritual in Az Barnuá | World Anvil

Summer Solstice

Night of the Innocent Wishes


at Esteltonne, Isle of Night

"It was the shortest night of the year, the sun had finally set after dinner, just a short while ago, but everyone would find the time to make the night memorable. I didn't feel the community spirit I found in my father's hometown, Capritonne lacked the smell of fish and roasted peppers, it lacked the smoke from the fireworks, it lacked the screams of children in the street, but it was similar somehow, and that would have to be enough while living in the Mansion."
in In Between Times, Chp30

The celebrations last for 4 days. It is also on the last the night when people celebrate the Emperor of Azberná and former King of Night Pietrum Nanos' birthday.

at Capritonne, Isle of Months

People celebrate by lighting a big bonfire in the Mansion Clearing and telling the History of the Beginning of Times.
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