The Guild of Profit and Profundity Organization in Ayn | World Anvil
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The Guild of Profit and Profundity

"A warm thanks to the many members of the merchant's guild, generously funding and bankrolling my endeavors. You're all truly wonderful."
— Seth, Wine Merchant
Located within the walls of Grand Barlov, the Guild of Profit and Profundity helps provide amenities for merchants as well as maintain and regulate general pricing for stores. Many entrepreneurs will apply to the guild for benefits such as armed escorts, networking, hiring professional barkers to shout their wares, or simply for verification in the eyes of the public.
Although public view touts them as greedy palm greasers chasing their next glorious sale, this is a harsh marginalization. They actually provide a wide breadth of benefits and services and are responsible for many successful upstarts. They also have a lean on order and morality, severing ties with members that may smuggle illegal goods into settlements, though there is a rumor that certain conditions and substantial bribing may allow their upturned noses to look the other way on such affairs. That said, they suffer no qualms with making their primary motivation known, which is to provide profitable ventures.   It is also worth noting that their base of operations being in Grand Barlov does not help public opinion, who is quick to lump the two together and assume the council to be full of snooty, condescending nobles willing to step on the toes of anyone who does not offer immediate benefit.
  Their flag symbolizes the important balance between passion (the flame) and expertise (the cut diamond), meaning that when one has enough of both, profits are sure to come.


To Join

To join one must supply an application, a ledger of their current business operation, including their sales history, as well as an upfront fee. If one is attempting to join without a business they'll need to provide a manifesto of their intended business venture, and the fee is even higher. A rather lengthy trial period is then given as the guild reviews and deliberates on whether they should be granted membership. During this time the guild may request to see examples of their wares, especially if the business is vague, dangerous, or seems illegal. If approved, the applicant will receive a signed certificate as well as a membership card that they must hold onto.   From this point on, they must pay a respectable monthly fee to remain a member.

Remaining Structure

Although there isn't much in the ways of ranks and promotions, a merchant is expected to provide their ledger at least once a year for review. This is to ensure their business is profitable and upholding their values, as well as to see if they're active and not simply a dormant number. Whichever business is the most profitable in its field, the owner is invited to be a member of the council and will then be promoted to the head of their industry. For example, if someone opens a blacksmith and it becomes the most profitable and well known in the land, they'll be invited to take a seat on the conucil, where they will then be known as 'Head of Blacksmithing'. As head of their industry they are consulted for ways to further ventures in said industry. Continuing the example, the head of blacksmithing may advise that the merchant's guild lower the prices on armed escorts for blacksmiths retrieving ore, to encourage safer ore movement, but raise the price on escorts helping to ship their wares, to disincentivize certain weapons expanding into other markets. Although it may seem as if this would be a good way to shift power and spending to their market, these advised changes are proposed to the entire council who also weigh the pros and cons of such a decision in their own respective industry. Needless to say, this can often lead to many disagreements and stand stills.   Fortunately there is the 'Head of Profits' who acts as the final say and leader of the guild, often playing mediator for such debates.

Public Agenda

To provide services and assistance to businesses - both old and new - to ensure the safety and maximum profit of their enterprise.


As expected, the Merchant's Guild has access to plenty of services, including carriages, tools of the trade, and even a network of escorts and mercenaries at their disposal. These things are not offered for free, even to members, though a charitable discount is allowed to approved associates.

A man is only as good as his business.

Guild, Merchant
Alternative Names
The Merchant's Guild

Cover image: by Ferdinand Bol
Character flag image: by Final Fantasy Team


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