The Great Hunt Tradition / Ritual in Ayn | World Anvil
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The Great Hunt

Every few years (TBD), The Order of the Hunt hosts 'The Great Hunt', which usually drums up plenty of attention because of its challenge and amazing prizes, including magically enchanted bows or spears, enchanted armor generally made from the hide of the beast hunted, as well as high gold earnings, not to mention the renown acquired.
  These rewards are the reason many dedicate their lives to winning one of these hunts, and teams will train for years with militant devotion.   Rules of The Great Hunt
  1. The only hunt is for the animals. You will not harm or impede your fellow hunters.
  2. Teams can have a maximum of five members.
  3. The rewards will go to the assigned team leader. If that person has perished, the next listed on the team registry will receive the rewards.
  4. Counterfeit trophies will result in ejection from the Hunt and bar any future participation
  5. If two or more teams fell a beast, the trophy of the beast must be brought before the Lord of the Hunt and presented. These two will then compete in an approved event, for who can claim ownership of the trophy.
Monster Hunt
The creatures that can be hunted are usually fantastical in nature, drumming up even more interest in potential applicants who are looking to experience a pursuit the likes they have never experienced. This can include gryphons, hulking owlbears, manticore, animal-aberrations, and even dragons.   Despite the propensity for these releases to head to neighboring towns and destroy the population, The Order of the Hunt deploys their trusted huntmasters the night prior. These veteran hunters skulk in the shadows and underbrush, ensuring the target(s) do not threaten civilization.   More often than not, however, these huntmasters actually find themselves observing participants and ensuring no foul play runs afoot. If a trophy is claimed, the huntsmen are consulted for truth of these accusations, or if one hunting party preys upon another, the huntmasters may non-lethally subdue the perpetrators and bring them before the hall to wait out the remainder of the hunt, only to then be escorted and reported to their hometown officials to be dealt with according to their local laws.


The Great Hunt is signaled, five days prior, with a large, sloping horn beside the stairs of The Blessed Hall of the Hunters, said to echo through the Path of the Fathers. This alerts all potential applicants to make their way to the hall and register their team.   The first day actually involves no hunting, and instead is a traditional statement of the rules and prayer for the hunt. After the prayer, the beast(s) are revealed and set loose, allowing a generous head start for the fairness of pursuit. The hunters are all ushered inside for a great feast where stories are encouraged, and then allowed to rest within the sanctuary.   The following morning, the chase begins at the caw of their trained hawk, signalling that the hunt has begun.


Only members of The Order of the Hunt can attend, or they must be vouched for by members of the Order, up to a maximum of 4 vouched (Teams have a maximum of 5 people).   The rewards are given to the team lead, known as the pack leader, who is then expected to split the spoils among their party as they see fit. Because of this, a large portion of the hunt is trusting the leader, or in rare and ruthless circumstances, disposing of them to assign a new leader.
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