Spire Sentry Item in Avrakt | World Anvil
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Spire Sentry

"Oh, the Spire Sentries? Don't mind those, they only activate if they detect a threat. People keep saying they can slice Cruisers in half, but I don't think they're quite that powerful. Destroyers sound more reasonable for being sliced in half with a single firing."

2-4 Large rings hold an almost needle-like spire of metal and crystal floating in place. Most of the crystal forms lines going the length of the spire, a few bands of the crystal wrap around at different points. Crystal is mostly blue but near one end of the spire turns to white. The Spire barely fits within the innermost ring, and the whole array is usually aligned the same way while inactive. With the Spire vertical and the rings aligned similarly.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The outer rings form a strange floating gyro that allow the central spire to rotate and move to aim. Inside the are the actual weapon systems, which focus energy into a high power beam that fires through crystal in the tip of the spire. It only stops firing to vent built up heat.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Owning Organization
Gyro rings range about 300-400m across, the Spire itself is a bit shorter in length and about 10m at it's thickest point.

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Cover image: by Foxyowlet


Author's Notes

Hurry orbital death-rays.

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